
I just ate down YALLLLL
          	Just got finished with my spring orchestra concert and when I tell you we ate down
          	It was so much fun to do it with all my friends.
          	I even got an award for high achievement.
          	My friends moms took pictures of us together like it's our last day here even though we're most all likely to be there next year too.
          	I had so much fun I love my orchestra teacher she's so pretty and funny and kind.


I just ate down YALLLLL
          Just got finished with my spring orchestra concert and when I tell you we ate down
          It was so much fun to do it with all my friends.
          I even got an award for high achievement.
          My friends moms took pictures of us together like it's our last day here even though we're most all likely to be there next year too.
          I had so much fun I love my orchestra teacher she's so pretty and funny and kind.


I share my biggest accomplishments with y'all even if you might think their little 
          I just read the Giver
          It was an amazing book and lives up to all its hype and I would say it changed my views on my world as the author attended it to do.
          I read it in three days (60 pages a day) may not seem like a lot but it is to me considering I actually have a life outside of reading (no shade) 
          I feel really accomplished considering this was a personal goal


Yall know I updated you on everything in my life 
          My cousin is pregnant 
          She told me last night when we were getting ready to have a sleepover. I was crying hysterically because I never knew I was afraid of change until that. Everything is going to change and all I can do is come to terms with it.
          I'm not entirely upset with the thought of the baby it's just that she's been pregnant since January. She's been pregnant for FOUR months and I never noticed. The baby is going to be born near my birthday if not on it. I texted my friends for some type of consolement but all they could tell me was that life is going to change, and that's not the news I wanted to hear but I think it's the one I needed.


I be feeling rich
          Just went to dinner with my auntie 
          I got lamb with asparagus and mashed potatoes, then her boyfriend ordered me lobster because I said I didn't like it but also never tried it (it was disgusting it tasted like an aquarium) Then we got to decide desert with a presentation where they use a flashlight. I got a raspberry canoli.
          Anyways y'all I'm living my best life.


this message may be offensive
One of the guys we were friends and shit and I always knew he liked me but it didn't matter because I liked to stay oblivious but anyways he's actually such a sweet guy he holds my hand anytime he sees me and he lets me spray my perfume on him just for fun and he's not afraid to give me complements like most boys AND he lets me ramble to him he's an absolute sweetheart not to mention he's cute and even cuter because of his actions towards me.
          The other guy is strictly in my 3rd period and he just moved here from Jamaica. He's so well behaved and he's a gentleman he gave up his seat for me today so I could sit by my friend ALSO he's super cute because of his little accent and he's tall for his age and has super nice teeth so needless to say he's handsome. My friend texted me earlier talking about how I need to follow him back on insta because he told her he was gonna admit his feelings for me but i honestly don't know and I'm not even sure what I don't know about.


I mean I would say I'm pretty iconic.
          I'm in this afternoon school club and yesterday we had to draw inspirational quotes and stuff with chalk because its testing week.
          I decided to draw a hanging man(hang man) with the quote hang in there.
          A dead body outline saying kill the test.
          And half the song lyrics from "what makes you beautiful" #onedirection