
If you guys are alive or at least not living under a rock you would know what people mean when they say it is not his/hers looks or body type but it is about her/his personality and agree but i see it in a different way i dont look at a person and judge them. Like i know you will see a picture of someone and you might think. Wow they pretty good but it is when you get to know them is when they become beautiful or ok or even bad but when you like the way they are you dont see their face or there features you see their personality its like its written all over there face and thats is when a person becomes just the most beautiful person you have ever seen. So thank you if yoy read the whole and remember if you want to be beautiful you dont have to put ok make up because that is not what makes you beautiful it when you are you that makes you as beautiful as you can and you might just find someone who just finds your personality beautiful.


This Is My Very Beast Friend!!!! I swear to god if you hurt him I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth..
          Anyways Vincent I just want you to know that I truly care about you no matter what happens I will always be thinking about you. That's not creepy. Lol


If you guys are alive or at least not living under a rock you would know what people mean when they say it is not his/hers looks or body type but it is about her/his personality and agree but i see it in a different way i dont look at a person and judge them. Like i know you will see a picture of someone and you might think. Wow they pretty good but it is when you get to know them is when they become beautiful or ok or even bad but when you like the way they are you dont see their face or there features you see their personality its like its written all over there face and thats is when a person becomes just the most beautiful person you have ever seen. So thank you if yoy read the whole and remember if you want to be beautiful you dont have to put ok make up because that is not what makes you beautiful it when you are you that makes you as beautiful as you can and you might just find someone who just finds your personality beautiful.