
this message may be offensive
          	is it wrong that im scared to get into another relationship?
          	my ex was very controlling over me, to the point she wouldnt let me go anywhere without her, she tried to stop me from ever seeing my best friends, wouldnt let me talk to anyone other than her in school, tried to make sure she knew where i was at all times so she could make sure i wasn't talking or having fun with anyone else, made me not eat lunch every single day so i could spend my entire lunch  break with her, made me stay after school every day just to be with her, she would fucking start touching me even when i told her to stop, that it made me uncomfortable, she just wouldnt listen and keep going, to the point that i would be shaking and crying.
          	now i have to see her everday, acting like an angel, like she could never do anything wrong.
          	8 months of life were wasted and controlled by her.
          	in the end she was the one who broke us up because she felt "we were better as friends".
          	i tried to break up with her so many times but she wouldnt let me.
          	now im scared to entire another relationship because im so fucking scared that they will be like her, make me feel like i was worthless, not worthy or living.
          	is it wrong?


@slan__  oh doll, ofc it's not wrong to be scared of getting into another relationship. Trauma is one of the hardest things to deal with and she disturbed ur perception of love, especially since ur so young and it's okay to be afraid of letting someone that close to u again. You have the right to take as much time as u need to get better and to believe in love again, there's absolutely no rush darling. You'll find someone who makes u want to love again, and you'll know when u find them. Focus on yourself for the time being, you're more important than anything else in ur life sweetheart and u should take time to get over the heartache before u get attached to someone again. It's fine and okay to be scared. Because you'll get over the fear when it's time. Time heals doll, even as stupid as it sounds, it is inevitably true.


@slan__ Oh honey, of course it's not wrong for you to feel scared after going through something so difficult. You had a relationship that was controlling and made you feel unloved and unworthy. It's completely understandable that you'd be hesitant to get into another relationship, especially since you have to see your ex all the time now. You deserve to take your time and heal from that experience before stepping into a new relationship. Take care of yourself and remember that you deserve all the love and respect in the world <33


@slan__ it's not wrong! you've been thru a lot, it makes sense that ur scared of being in a relationship! u need to take things at ur pace. one day, you may find someone who helps you get past all of this, but even if that day never comes and ur a single pringle 4eva, there is NOTHING wrong with you. you are not worthless and u deserve to live a good life, whatever that means 2 u


this message may be offensive
          is it wrong that im scared to get into another relationship?
          my ex was very controlling over me, to the point she wouldnt let me go anywhere without her, she tried to stop me from ever seeing my best friends, wouldnt let me talk to anyone other than her in school, tried to make sure she knew where i was at all times so she could make sure i wasn't talking or having fun with anyone else, made me not eat lunch every single day so i could spend my entire lunch  break with her, made me stay after school every day just to be with her, she would fucking start touching me even when i told her to stop, that it made me uncomfortable, she just wouldnt listen and keep going, to the point that i would be shaking and crying.
          now i have to see her everday, acting like an angel, like she could never do anything wrong.
          8 months of life were wasted and controlled by her.
          in the end she was the one who broke us up because she felt "we were better as friends".
          i tried to break up with her so many times but she wouldnt let me.
          now im scared to entire another relationship because im so fucking scared that they will be like her, make me feel like i was worthless, not worthy or living.
          is it wrong?


@slan__  oh doll, ofc it's not wrong to be scared of getting into another relationship. Trauma is one of the hardest things to deal with and she disturbed ur perception of love, especially since ur so young and it's okay to be afraid of letting someone that close to u again. You have the right to take as much time as u need to get better and to believe in love again, there's absolutely no rush darling. You'll find someone who makes u want to love again, and you'll know when u find them. Focus on yourself for the time being, you're more important than anything else in ur life sweetheart and u should take time to get over the heartache before u get attached to someone again. It's fine and okay to be scared. Because you'll get over the fear when it's time. Time heals doll, even as stupid as it sounds, it is inevitably true.


@slan__ Oh honey, of course it's not wrong for you to feel scared after going through something so difficult. You had a relationship that was controlling and made you feel unloved and unworthy. It's completely understandable that you'd be hesitant to get into another relationship, especially since you have to see your ex all the time now. You deserve to take your time and heal from that experience before stepping into a new relationship. Take care of yourself and remember that you deserve all the love and respect in the world <33


@slan__ it's not wrong! you've been thru a lot, it makes sense that ur scared of being in a relationship! u need to take things at ur pace. one day, you may find someone who helps you get past all of this, but even if that day never comes and ur a single pringle 4eva, there is NOTHING wrong with you. you are not worthless and u deserve to live a good life, whatever that means 2 u


the way i was seriously going to do it last night..


@slan__ *hugs* please take care of yourself as best as you can, yk I’m here for you <\3


@slan__ BRO. I made a whole ass announcement abt y people shouldn't suicide on my profile, go look at it and then never do this again >:(