
Last call to read Forgotten Night!!! I will be moving it to KDP Publishing by the end of the month. So, if it's on your to be read list, you have been warned. :)


Important notice about Forgotten Night: Somehow, I managed to miss posting an entire chapter toward the end. I added some extra content titled 46.2, and added in the missing chapter, titled "Missing Chapter". I apologize if you completed the book and felt let down or rushed at the end.


Forgotten Night (Book 1) will be going through some edits soon thanks to some wonderful feedback. The latest chapter of Forgotten Dawn (Book 2) dropped on Friday with 2 more chapters set to drop over the next 2 weeks. Life has been busy, but I'm hoping to keep up the weekly pace.


I thought I was going to have to take a break. I was struggling with Forgotten Dawn, but I managed to work through it. There are two new chapters scheduled to post over the next couple weeks, and I'm hoping to have more banked for a steady release. It's a busy time of year for me, so I'll do my best to keep the Circle C going. As always, thanks for reading, voting, and commenting. I love to hear your thoughts.


Happy New Year! I was able to get a few chapters of Forgotten Dawn written today, so I went ahead and posted one of them. The next two are scheduled to drop on Friday's at 7 am. I have a busy few months coming up at work, so I'm not sure I'll be able to keep up with weekly chapter drops, but I'll do my best.


I know I said I was going to work on book 2 of Sam's Weird, but I could not get Chad's story out of my head. At least not the beginning. I will post a bonus teaser chapter for Forgotten Dawn to Forgotten Night as an additional part later this evening.