
In continuation of my last update, I’ll also add that I will be moving parts 7 and 8 to the upcoming sequel so the story arc can be fleshed out more properly and the latter part can be less rushed. I’ll make sure to keep the main points the same, though probably not word-for-word, and some minor things. I hope you all understand and will like the new version


In continuation of my last update, I’ll also add that I will be moving parts 7 and 8 to the upcoming sequel so the story arc can be fleshed out more properly and the latter part can be less rushed. I’ll make sure to keep the main points the same, though probably not word-for-word, and some minor things. I hope you all understand and will like the new version


Ok, I’ve made up my decision. I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, and it wasn’t an easy decision for complicated/ personal reasons, but I decided to delete temporarily delete summon your familiar. By doing this I can have a fresh start and do the story better. I will start rewriting it soon. I’m sorry, if this makes you guys upset. But I will rewrite this story with some similarities with the original version.
          I hope you understand.
          Wish me luck.