
Ayy just posted a Peter parker fanfic called SUNSHINE 


Conversations I have with my parents-
          Dad: have you seen Evies drawing of loki
          Mum: it's thor not loki
          Dad:same person
          Me:they don't even look alike
          Dad: they're related aren't they
          Me: no they aren't loki is adopted he was stolen as a baby..... 
          Dad: well yeah but they have to same parents...... Who's their dad again the man in the wheelchair
          Mum: *confused*....... You mean professor xavier?
          Dad: yeah
          Me: that's xmen *dying of laughter*


It's a month early because pride month is in June but oh well
          I'm a lesbian and it has taken me years to confidently say that
          I was around 11 when I realised that I liked girls and at first I was confused as any child would be I didn't understand why I felt this way towards girls I really didn't want to be a lesbian because that was 'wrong' or at least that's what my parents had told me so I forced myself to like boys
          After a few more months of staying in the closet I finnaly worked up the courage to come out to my very supporting older brother and he was proud of me for coming out and honestly just accepted me for me
          I then worked up the courage to come out to my parents which didn't go so well they told me I was too young or that I probably just admired women like role models and nothing more
          I also then came out to my 'friends' who made jokes out of it called me slurs and laughed at me I was ashamed because it was 'wrong' to like girls and I wasn't 'normal'
          So I forced myself to like boys but obviously that didn't last long because I finnaly worked up the courage 2 years later to come out again as lesbian my new friends support me and constantly tell me how proud they are of me my older brother and sister as just as supportive as ever
          Unfortunately my parents haven't changed their views and constantly call me the f and d slur and tell me it's unnatural and wrong
          But it's not its who I am and I can't change that so I say fu*k you too the homophobic as*holes out there i love the way I am and I love that I love women 


This probs isn't very exiting for anyone who's reading this, but for me this is massive and really good. I haven't had a seizure in 3 months that is amazing even in its self, but its even better because that means less hospital visits. woo hoo :)