
this message may be offensive
Hey guys,
          	Hope u all r doing good. 
          	This is to inform that just now I unfollowed many accounts bcz most of them were playing dirty tricks like they follow then I follow them back then they unfollow me. This was ok to some extend but I now I have 50 something followers but I follow like 100 and more. This made things complicated to me to search my readers comments (which is n will always be my priority) bcz I open once or twice a week to check and all unnecessary updates will be filled completely pushing back my real readers vote n comment update which gives me hope to write new chapters. Every time I think of writing n open wattpad this shit makes me to quit. 
          	Now I made my mind to unfollow all. If u r my reader n real fan of wangxian. Then comment or reply hi to this message so I could follow u back.
          	Take care and stay safe


@siritoons seriously r they crazy or have some loose nut n bolts in there brain


@siritoons Hey! Ig they were those Russian and Turkish spam accounts. It happened with me too. 


this message may be offensive
Hey guys,
          Hope u all r doing good. 
          This is to inform that just now I unfollowed many accounts bcz most of them were playing dirty tricks like they follow then I follow them back then they unfollow me. This was ok to some extend but I now I have 50 something followers but I follow like 100 and more. This made things complicated to me to search my readers comments (which is n will always be my priority) bcz I open once or twice a week to check and all unnecessary updates will be filled completely pushing back my real readers vote n comment update which gives me hope to write new chapters. Every time I think of writing n open wattpad this shit makes me to quit. 
          Now I made my mind to unfollow all. If u r my reader n real fan of wangxian. Then comment or reply hi to this message so I could follow u back.
          Take care and stay safe


@siritoons seriously r they crazy or have some loose nut n bolts in there brain


@siritoons Hey! Ig they were those Russian and Turkish spam accounts. It happened with me too. 


Hi guys,
          *Cheers baby giggles like wei ying*
          Lately I have been trying to write the next chapter of my story to update but I don't know what's wrong with me everytime I try, I  get distracted. so plz bare with me for few more days maybe 3 to 4 days. 
          Im really sry for all those whom I promised to get u update earlier.
          Hope u guys can understand my state bcz even I  don't know *dramatic sigh* haaaa~
          Let's catch up on my  next update till then 
          Take care  and stay safe⛑️
          With lots of  
          Yours er