
casually talking to yall after months of hiatus cuz we cool like tht lol jkHAHAHASHASHASHAHSHA I MISS Y'ALL SM HOW R Y'ALL? GOOD? BAD/? idek ily as always although i now find ths acc really cringy i hv no regrets making my books and sm shits i made last year lol i honestly had fun writing and interacting w ppl who share d same interest as me HSHSHSHS


casually talking to yall after months of hiatus cuz we cool like tht lol jkHAHAHASHASHASHAHSHA I MISS Y'ALL SM HOW R Y'ALL? GOOD? BAD/? idek ily as always although i now find ths acc really cringy i hv no regrets making my books and sm shits i made last year lol i honestly had fun writing and interacting w ppl who share d same interest as me HSHSHSHS


ik i don't post anything related to BTS anymore buttttt i started to like or stan enhypen:p
          they're rlly great i mean not only do they sing and dance well, they r genuinely fun and I find them pretty cute ⚠
          lol well anyways i just wanted to recommend a book
          it'd be really great if you'll check it out :)) byeeeee xoxo


          All of the books or specifically fanfics in some of my library collection are not mine and is made by an amazing author~
          Crdts to all of them and if you somehow have time to spare then might as well go check out their accounts-


Made an anime book collection in my library~♡
          If ur interested check out the books I've read and I'm quite sure you'll love it
          If your not interested at all, you can just ignore this random announcement
          Thank you for your time


          So y'all might be wondering why I haven't posted any chapters these days,,,
          Ngl guys I was binge watching anime and school activities were piling up pretty fast cuz I always procrastinate and considering the fact that I started watching anime since I was in 3rd-4th grade so yeahhh
          Anyways Kpop has always been great and fandoms were pretty nice as well despite all the fanwars hihi,,
          Kpop really inspired me to do anything to achieve what I desire and through kpop, I learned how to love myself and be yourself. After all Kpop has a place in my heart and it's irreplaceable CHAR
          어쨌든 i gtg nowww