
I feel like something deadly is breathing down my neck these past few days. Surprise! It's the midterms!
          	I wanna cry. Help.



@cressidaorla224 Cool! It's a fantasy romance. I might check this later. 


I've been going through a lot lately. I find it so difficult to post an update or continue editing my novel. But, I will do my best. : )


@sinrysch Thank you so much. I appreciate small things like this. ♥♥♥


I made a major decision today. After reading TSE, I notice a lot of plot holes and I felt like something is missing. I planned to edit it soon but I thought it's best to complete it first. However,  I feel uncomfortable writing now, knowing that there are still a lot of things that needs to be fixed or improved. So, TSE will be under major editing. I want to provide readers the highest quality stories. This is also the best time to focus on my writing because of the long vacation. Please bear with me. I will be right back with an improved and freshly edited TSE. 


There will be an update for "The Sinriyan Enchantment" tomorrow. We are approaching a new arc. New characters will be introduced and new conflicts will arise. Here's a sneak peek of what's to come in the preceding chapters. 
          "A life lived not for love, is a useless life." She looked at the dark sky, devoid of stars or any light. 
          At that time, Riya had a thought. 
          'Is she the same as me?'
          "You are misunderstanding this!"
          "No, you are! You don't understand me 'cause you've never been in my shoes!"
          Lemon shook her head. She couldn't believe it.
          "If you don't feel that, then there's no other reason why you are against severing it."
          "I am not... I am not real."
          "You don't have to try so hard. Everything will be fine. Trust me."
          "Because you would be dead before its fixed."
          That's it for now. Stay tuned everyone!


@sinrysch Waahh, thank you. : )


@sinrysch I just read the description for your book. It looks so interesting, I will be having a nose :)


Chapter 22 of "The Sinriyan Enchantment" is in progress. It has 1200K+ words. I will post it tomorrow and since then, I will post regular updates. My goal would be three to four chapters every week. So, see you and I hope you guys will like it. : )


So, I've read some parts of TSE and noticed a lot of errors. Like, some details doesn't match or it has been changed. This happens when I don't write regularly. I end up forgetting what I wrote in the previous chapters. I am a pantser and I just write what came to mind without making an outline. I will do my best to edit the chapters, little by little. Just the small details though, because it might change the whole story and I will end up having to edit the entire thing, which I don't intend to do yet since the novel is still incomplete. Please please please bear with me. TT^TT


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@DreamlandCommunity  Oh, I'm interested. I want to interact with other writers. 