
*  ceebee chat


*     asap no rocky 


oh,      stop it. 


i look alright, don’t i?   the most courteous ladies of the court all but ripped by new garment to pieces today just to tell of the fabrics, you know.   the nymphomaniacs. 


@iolnathe     is it coddling or am i just making sure you are okay?  there is a difference.   


i know when you coddle me. i do not care for it.     —except for when mayhaps i do. 


i’m to be      an—


[a sullen silence, pregnant with something discernible to the two of them and the two of them alone.]     hero,   well, he’s—     [but she’s got no words for it either.]     you know how he is.     [another beat. something stifles in between them and iolanthe almost feels nauseous, but cannot pinpoint why.]     alright.     [her hands mold with hers, the shape familiar and the warmth welcome.]     i won’t tell a soul. and send in the requests for the babe garments in absolute secret. 


@iolnathe   i suppose so..   [  she watches her cousin with a smile and leans against the edge of the desk.   her smile seems to falter at the mention of her cousins husband,  while she had no problem with him—- at least.. not a big one.  he is the last person that should know about anything.  ]  you cannot tell him,  you cannot tell anyone. especially him,  do you understand me?  


well, i have loved my cousins dearests so much up until now that adding another one doesn’t sound so bad.     [a bop on her nose. iolanthe’s head lols to the side, a curious look into the future when the sight of athena will be swelled, plump and with child. it’s her babyface that the woman still cannot seem to displace or rub off from the foresight.]      so that i may get it a brand new wardrobe? a den full of only friendly pets?   —i will love the babe forever. nay, something even more than that.   i must tell my lord husband. so that he ready a gift, of my choosing never mind his brutish rationale, most lush. 


it’s just me,      didn’t mean to startle you 


@kingsarc   vincent beowulf..  [ closing her eyes and nodding along to his words, her arms wrap around his shoulders— pulling him into an embrace. ]   i love you.  and i am sorry for causing you more stress than necessary.   


@sinicides       no.  [ his answer was abrupt, he pressed his forehead against hers, shaking his head. he will not let her go. not even in death]    i have made an unspoken promise to you the night you shared my bed.  i have /sworn/ to love and protect you by any means necessary.  and if /i/ must be crucified for it then let it be..  i will not pardon you,  and i will not send you away.  you will be my wife and we will raise our child—-  boy or girl,   /together/.   


@kingsarc    and i want to be with you,  but nothing is in our favor—-  [  sucking in a sharp breath, athena does everything but meet his stare.  ]  if we cannot do marriage,  then pardon me.  that is the only option, as i will not take moon tea.   


you can stay if you wish   ..i don’t bite


@sinicides    there’s quite a few pieces on the shelf i too would recommend if she hasn’t already.  take a look and take what piques your interest   ..they are certainly of no use to me as i grow old


@stagqrc     ah,   no..   i just came to grab a title nat recommended me 


thenie—-   you’re rambling ..   breathe,  love 


@sinicides      [ their close proximity managed to ease all his worries. he inhaled softly enjoying the serene feeling of peace she  granted the conflicted king.  it made him forget about all things wrong in his life— for she was the only thing that was  right. vincent  shakes his head at her words already silencing her apologies, he shifts on his weight, still holding her face]  i love you.   [ is all he can utter,  before he leans forward to capture her lips with his in a soft kiss, ]    i absolutely love you 


@kingsarc     as certain as ever.   [  leaning forward she presses their foreheads together. to be able to finally tell him, she feels as if a burden has been lifted off her shoulders. athena’s fingers find their way into the young king’s dark locks, gently messaging at his scalp. her attempt to provide him temporary comfort,  she knows vincent is scared,  both of them far too young to be parents and with him being king—- just another thing added onto his plate.  ]    i know it is a lot and i apologize,  but i didn’t want to wait too long or have you find out through someone else.   


@sinicides     [all the warmth that radiated from his body was sucked away. his skin was pale, as white as death and he stood there with widened eyes.  eyes of violet seemingly icy blue as the news met his ears ]   w- .. with .. child ? [ fear is the first emotion that consumes the young king,     he panics inwardly whilst his hands clenched and unclenched to find some sort of grounding. then,    he looks at her and that fear dies instantly.  his feet feel heavy more then ever when she is approached by him, to which he falls onto his knees before her and reaches to hold her face.    searching her eyes with his own    ]   are you..  certain of this ? 


what has happened ?  you look sick.. 


@sinicides    you,  simply sit him down and tell him that he is to be a father.  [ her words were blunt, but she was speaking from experience. a hand reached out, squeezing athena’s shoulder in an attempt to soothe her ]   vincent is..  headstrong and..  dangerously impulsive— but, he loves you..       if there is anyone he will take the time to listen to no matter how he is feeling,  it is you.  whether it is of the babe that grows in your belly or otherwise.        .. and— if he does /not/.     you tell me and i will strike him right in the face.   twice.    in front of his mother too. 


@saintangst     [ athena was smart, there was no denying that—- but this had to be the stupidest thing she has ever done. pregnant before marriage, in the middle of absolute chaos, and by a man who may have a lack of moral inhibitions. glancing up at sansa—- she gives the woman an almost wary smile. ]  we only ever talked about marriage once..  and how am i suppose to mention this to him?


@sinicides   no,   i don’t think it at all.  i am almost certain that you are.  which i wouldn’t mind,   of course—-   if you two were married.   [ sansa considered herself more lenient and understanding when it came to things such as this. despite the basic laws that God had given the dragon lords,  from the bond they shared with dragons to the basic rules of marriage,   she was merciful, more than the mesyrs who berating voiced will not yet cease upon her ears nor the young king’s if word gets out about  her current state]       but the lack of marriage between you and vincent will bring about ..    newer issues.   


quit  hogging  him! 


@reapsowed       and what if i did, hm?  do you think your whining and complaining will be enough to break it,  huh?     [ gently patting the younger boy’s shoulder, she stands up straight.  ]      is he really that terrible..  ?   you know,  i could i help you.   


@sinicides    [ the younger scowls, he stands on his toes to make himself appear tall ]  /you/ bewitched him!  you and your— membresia hair!  now who’s going to help me with my work?    professor waryne is AWFUL when it comes to history, no extended time whatsoever 


@reapsowed       [ tilting her head, she bends down ever so slightly to reach his height. ]  am i hogging him or is he just avoiding you again?  ..  besides,   he’s the one that’s hogging me. 