
hey guys! —
          	so I definitely want to get back to writing, I’ve missed it so much! but I’m having a bit of a writers block when it comes to asteroidea, so I’ve proposed an alternative.
          	I’m creating a collection of short stories that I can allow myself to write when I’m not working on my main story. It’s a great way for me to use all the plots and ideas that I have written down! and it’s a great way to keep writing even when I can’t think of what to say in asteroidea! 
          	I’ll keep you guys posted, look out for some new stories! :)
          	( also please read the description when I post the book, it has a few warnings I would like everyone to be aware of ) 
          	- clara 


hey guys! —
          so I definitely want to get back to writing, I’ve missed it so much! but I’m having a bit of a writers block when it comes to asteroidea, so I’ve proposed an alternative.
          I’m creating a collection of short stories that I can allow myself to write when I’m not working on my main story. It’s a great way for me to use all the plots and ideas that I have written down! and it’s a great way to keep writing even when I can’t think of what to say in asteroidea! 
          I’ll keep you guys posted, look out for some new stories! :)
          ( also please read the description when I post the book, it has a few warnings I would like everyone to be aware of ) 
          - clara 


hello everyone! •*
          — I hope you enjoyed the most recent chapter of asteroidea! while I am eager to begin writing the next one, I have to take a short hiatus from writing. I began working on a project yesterday that needs my immediate attention, and thus will take up the time which would typically be filled by writing. 
          — If you are asking yourself, “clara, what is this project?” then picture it like this. you know when you want to convince your parents to get a dog, or let you attend a sleepover at your friends house—and you make a compelling slideshow arguing for those actions? well I’m doing that, but on a much larger, life impacting scale. I won’t go into detail but it’s something I’ve been fighting to do for over a year and I’m finally putting all the facts on the table and making one of my world class powerpoints ™ 
          —I’m looking forward to getting back to writing, as this next chapter is a favourite of mine :3 
          —I’ll see you all soon! ♡


— surprise! 
          — I managed to finish the remainder of chapter two and get it posted for you guys! - I hope you enjoy it! I delved a lot into Faye’s backstory, and even introduced a new character! You will have to infer a few things in this chapter, but I know you all are good readers and it will be just fine ♡ 
          — I also somehow ended up writing 5000 words, which is like 3000 more than last chapter haha
          — ok I’ll stop rambling now and let you guys get to reading! please let me know how you liked it! 


hello readers! - ⋒
          it’s been a week since I uploaded the first chapter of Asteroidea! i hope you all enjoyed it, the feedback was genuinely so sweet and I really appreciate it! 
          i’ve been working this entire week on getting chapter two up for you guys, but it’s just so  l o n g !  this chapter details Faye’s backstory and describes a lot of it in vivid detail and with LOADS of imagery— which you may know as a writer is very very difficult! 
          basically I spent 45 minutes depicting a tree 
          right now the chapter is almost 4000 words, the longest I’ve written for sure, and i’m still not finished! but i’m going to keep working hard until I get it done, so stay tuned! 
          - clara ♡


hi everyone! sorry it’s late!
          — I worked my butt off today to finish chapter one of my new story, asteroidea! that name probably doesn’t make sense now but I promise, it plays a big part! I will try to get a few chapters up while I’m on vacation ( now—august 7th ) 
          — anyways I hope you enjoy chapter one! if you’re wondering what the weird symbols are, it’s runic language, and it means “one” ( chapter one ) 
          — please let me know if I made any big errors! 


hello everyone! •*
          last night I have sadly come to the decision to stop writing Seams of Faye. while I am tremendously proud of my execution of this story and the amount of detailed research I have done, the literal story itself was not well thought out and had grown to seem cliche. I know I can do better, and while I took a break from writing it I began to brainstorm other story ideas. Instead of forcing myself to create a story right on the spot, ( as I did with Seams of Faye ) this time I let them come to me in dreams or as inspiration in nature or the world around me. Due to this I got much more unique and detailed stories that did not feel so forced. I also was able to envision FULL stories and not just scattered sections like in Seams of Faye. due to this I feel like I should give you guys something better, something more authentic and a better representation of me. that is why I’ve decided to drop Seams of Faye. I love the characters dearly—I love their backstories and potential, but it’s time to let them go. maybe some of them will make their way into another work, but for now, I’m closing their world off. 
          thanks to everyone who read my story and supported it, you guys mean the world and I’m glad you enjoyed my writing! In return I will give you a better, vivid, and lusciously crafted story that is worthy of your time. 
          I’ll update with information soon. I am on a holiday at the moment so I have free time to be creative. 
          thank you! -


greetings friends! - ・:*
          I just finished Chapter 1 - forty-four hours earlier and I am very pleased with the section! It took a lot of research and a very long time to write, and overall I’m very proud :3 I hope you all enjoy reading it! I’ll try to get more sections up soon so I don’t leave you with a cliffhanger forever <3
          - clara •