
Friends, we're nearing the end of TMPOtB! I'm still finishing up the last couple of chapters, so I wanted to let you guys maybe send me some suggestions for what y'all want to see at the end. You can leave a reply under this or send me a message if you have any ideas. Don't be shy, let me hear from you!


Are you still writing??


Friends, we're nearing the end of TMPOtB! I'm still finishing up the last couple of chapters, so I wanted to let you guys maybe send me some suggestions for what y'all want to see at the end. You can leave a reply under this or send me a message if you have any ideas. Don't be shy, let me hear from you!


Are you still writing??


I forgot to say! I've posted the first five chapters of TMPOtB for an audience test run on AO3, so if anyone for whatever reason desperately wants to get a head start on reading it, you can find those chapters there.


I really like using this rewriting process to figure out my own headcanon for Jonathan's whole personality. I feel like I've built a goof duality to him that makes his and El's relationship really fun and sweet, while still staying true to the way his character is portrayed in the Nolanverse. It sucks that he has so little screen time, but it also lets us simps play around with his personality outside of the professionalism that we see in Batman Begins and it's sO MUCH FUN


Oh boy, guys.
          So here's the thing. I haven't logged on or done any work in AGES. I came back to work on TMPOtB aaaaaaand...
          I hate it. I had a lot of it rewritten with a new OC and I was reading my writing from like, a year ago and I decided that I really didn't like her for this story. Since I last came on, I've made a few more OCs and I know for sure that I have one that will fit the story better. 
          With COVID and everything, I'm going to be able to dedicate more time to actually writing and hopefully be able to publish this bitch in a month or two.
          I'm really sorry for anybody waiting for this specific story to come back; this has been my pet project for a million years now and I've been such a bad mom to it and starting now I'm going to actually put the work in.
          Sit tight.


I'm going to apologize in advance to anyone actually reading TMPOtB because while the story is being edited, I'm going to unpublish the chapters that are already up. I'm very sorry, but I think that anyone who's actually going to read the swill that I put out should be getting digestible swill at the very least.