
Editing A THOUSAND TIMES will be stopped for a while because i need to focus on my studies.


A Thousand Times DEMOGRAPHICS:
          Philippines- 18.75%
          India- 15.625%
          USA- 12.5%
          UK- 6.25%
          Malaysia- 6.25%
          Brunei- 6.25% (I just noticed brunei also reads this book, I always missed out mentioning)
          Indonesia- 3.125%
          Bangladesh- 3.125%
          UAE- 3.125%
          Lebanon- 3.125% (NEW*)
          Poland- 3.125%
          Bosnia & Herzegovina- 3.125%
          Algeria- 3.125%
          Switzerland- 3.125% (NEW*)
          Argentina- 3.125%
          Thank you for reading A Thousand Times. I really appreciate it. I love you all. Who would have thought this book would reach and be read in a lot of countries.
          -E. Janetulip xoxo


A Thousand Times DEMOGRAPHICS:
          Philippines - 19.355%
          India - 16.129%
          USA - 16.129%
          Bangladesh - 6.452%
          UK - 6.452%
          Malaysia - 3.226%
          Indonesia - 3.226%
          UAE- 3.226%
          Poland - 3.226%
          Bosnia & Herzegovina - 3.226% (NEW*)
          Algeria - 3.226%
          Argentina - 3.226%
          Thank you for reading A Thousand Times. I really appreciate it. 
          -E. Janetulip