
Good news everyone, im working on getting my songs recorded and into an EP! Get my music out there start making a career for myself. Prove people wrong. Im ready for this and i cant wait to see whats in store. I know i have a long road ahead of me but its worth it!


Good news everyone, im working on getting my songs recorded and into an EP! Get my music out there start making a career for myself. Prove people wrong. Im ready for this and i cant wait to see whats in store. I know i have a long road ahead of me but its worth it!


I am so glad that I have people who love and care for me so much. It's making this whole experience bearable. My friend Sierra who keeps checking in on me and my love Jordan who texted me before school and told me she loved me even when I forgot about hers. I really needed to hear that this morning because I wouldn't have gone if I didn't. Thank you to everyone who is thinking about me.