
Thank you guys sooo much for 3k reads on ‚the boy i never knew‘.. I am so happy about all your lovely words, I really appreciate that! 
          	I’ll be updating soon I’m suffering from writers block, as soon as I have new ideas I’ll be able to write again. Feel free to make suggestions, as long as the story’s not completed you’ll be able to tell me your wishes 


@ silvxrstar  ❤


Thank you guys sooo much for 3k reads on ‚the boy i never knew‘.. I am so happy about all your lovely words, I really appreciate that! 
          I’ll be updating soon I’m suffering from writers block, as soon as I have new ideas I’ll be able to write again. Feel free to make suggestions, as long as the story’s not completed you’ll be able to tell me your wishes 


@ silvxrstar  ❤


Hey, hättest du vielleicht Lust mit einer/mehrerer deiner Geschichten an meinem „Serienmarathon Award“ teilzunehmen? Näheres steht in meinem Buch dazu. Ich würde mich sehr über deine Anmeldung freuen :)


Mein einziges Buch zu einer Serie ist leider sehr schlecht & das möchte ich ungern einreichen. Ich wüsste nicht welches sonst zu gebrauchen wäre. :3