
wheww... finally I logged into this account after ages.... I see some of my friends have left wp... well... I was going through my stories... and... unpublished ''The Stars In Your Eyes''... dont @ me :")) the story was too messed up... so yeah... but then.. tell me if y'all want it to stay... or maybe an edited version :3


wheww... finally I logged into this account after ages.... I see some of my friends have left wp... well... I was going through my stories... and... unpublished ''The Stars In Your Eyes''... dont @ me :")) the story was too messed up... so yeah... but then.. tell me if y'all want it to stay... or maybe an edited version :3


THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR 1K READS ON " THE STARS IN YOUR EYES"... honestly I was expecting the story to flop bcoz it was my first try and the storyline and stuff isn't that properly arranged... but anyways... at least I tried... but personally I feel "THE PIANIST" is better when it comes to the plot... It'd be much appreciated if you try that one out... I expect that you'd actually like it. I've currently unpublished my Chanbaek fic "POLES APART" bcoz I wasn't that confident about the story line plus I had taken a loong hiatus for writing bcoz of personal reasons... so I am planning to start afresh... I'll be starting with new content as soon as my mid terms are over. Thanks for staying even after I was absent for so long. 


okay.. since some of my friends wanted me to stay... ig I'll just finish Poles Apart and then leave?? sounds like a good idea tho... I better get working with the rest of it ^_^


@_Artificial_Lover_ moi is staying and completing that fic ( ꈍᴗꈍ)