


          	  AWW THANKS!!! I'm so in love with it too! ❤️❤️


          	  The new background wallpaper tho. AmaZayn. ❤️❤️❤️




@silentsuferer ✨ I'm glad that you are okay, however 


@springroseintherain  I've been around actually, just not here on wattpad.  I haven't been back here ever since I lost it on my old phone.  I wanted to come back  as soon as I got a new one. ..all I have for now is a slightly disfunctional tablet


@silentsuferer SAAAME! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?? 


“I believe myself that a good writer doesn’t really need to be told anything except to keep at it.”— Chinua Achebe
          There are plenty of writers out there but sad to say, they are easily discouraged and feel like giving up due to some reasons like they are not good enough, no one's reading their work or receiving bad comments or judgements from other people. Hey, if you're one of those few who feel like giving up, think of the main reason why you started writing. Is it because you want to be on bestseller list someday? Win the Nobel prize? Or just because you want your ideas be heard by someone who needs it? Whatever it is, just think about it. Think about what inspires you, what frightens you, and what fills you with joy. And then write about it. Your words matter. Don’t be afraid to share them. Being a writer isn’t easy and I myself can really say it's challenging. But never ever turn to the point where you'll lose hope and compare yourself  from other writers. Every writer has a different path, so don’t fret too much if your journey isn’t matching another writer’s. Writing meaningful work is more important. Just write, and everything will follow. Just recall your journey in writing—your success or even your sacrifices. This will help you continue your journey. Bunch of surprises awaits you. Just don't give up. Just write, write and write. Enjoy your journey!


@kjvargas08  oh my God.....
            I am so grateful, this has made me feel beyond words and emotional actually. As a writer I do feel discouraged a lot,  I haven't written so many of my ideas because I kept comparing myself and feeling really small and incapable.  But this is such a warm encouragement, after reading this I feel like I can do anything now lol. But on a serious note, I've been remindedto think about why I write in the first place. And nothing is more beautiful than staying true to who you are.
            Thank you so much for this darling, cheers!❤❤


          Every single time you help somebody stand up, you are helping humanity rise. 
          -> Steve Maraboli


@miss_cafephile  Hello my lady ❤
            I've taken more than ages without coming to wattpad and I'm honestly still not completely here yet.  But I just want to say how grateful i am that you've kept sending me these little gems almost everyday.  It's really the sweetest thing and I will always appreciate it.  
            Thank you so much and I hope to see you soon! 


          If you believe that you're right but still people criticise you, hurt you or shout at you, don't bother. Just remember that in every game, only the audience makes noise, not players. Be a player. Believe in yourself and do the best. 
          -> unknown
          P.S. Reread that please :)


            Phew! Glad to know that. ❤❤❤


            Thank you so much ma lady ಥ‿ಥ
            I really needed this ❤️