
YOUR DRAWING IS SO GOOD!!! I’ve never been super artistic so it’s so awesome to be able to see Caito how I imagined her!! 
          (Also) the reason I stopped writing Shelter was because I got super ambitious with the whole play thing and a c t u a l l y started to write a play. I planned out the whole plot and wrote the first half but most of it was gonna be in song (mostly to make Bakugo suffer) so it started taking more and more effort and eventually I just kinda stopped. I’m glad to hear people are still interested, though (I was kinda worried since it had been so long I’d lost most readers) so it’s awesome to see that people still like it. I want to continue it but ALSO my writing has improved a ton in the solid 2.5 years since I started and reading it over always bothers me cuz I wanna change so much so I might end up just rewriting the whole thing (and probably trying to smooth over some bumps in the plot). 
          Thanks again for drawing Caito, it came out insanely good!! (Also, sorry this post is so long lol)


Hi Skylit128! Sorry for the late response. I agree with your idea of rewriting the story. It just shows how much you improved as a writer and I am so excited for that! Caito is such an interesting character that my mind keeps nagging me on drawing her. I’m happy that it was how you imagined her too.