
Howdy howdy! Long time no see. I'll be posting a new story here soon, so be on the lookout! This time, it won't be Homestuck related, but it will be a sort of Choose Your Own Adventure- D&D style! I'll go through with 5 stories. Each one a different class, each one a different race, each one a different background. To say the least, I'm actually quite excited! This is a way of branching out with my writing styles. Some stories will be bloody, some will be full of romance (particularly that of the Bard). I'll let you know now what my class choices are, but I will definitely take other ideas!
          	-Barbarian or Fighter


Howdy howdy! Long time no see. I'll be posting a new story here soon, so be on the lookout! This time, it won't be Homestuck related, but it will be a sort of Choose Your Own Adventure- D&D style! I'll go through with 5 stories. Each one a different class, each one a different race, each one a different background. To say the least, I'm actually quite excited! This is a way of branching out with my writing styles. Some stories will be bloody, some will be full of romance (particularly that of the Bard). I'll let you know now what my class choices are, but I will definitely take other ideas!
          -Barbarian or Fighter




@RealityOrIllusion: I'm doing pretty well, actually. Things going good between your parents?


@YukiChan0413 ,nah it's ok! I've actually been a bit busy myself, so sorry my late reply. Anyways,how are you? :3


@RealityOrIllusion:  Hi! I'm so sorry for my late reply, but I'm now able to get on the computer!


Thanks for following! Looking forward to the next chapter of Mituna X Reader~


@Sabomuii Good job on it!