
Okay so you Haikyuu fans Im thinking about reading:
          	In another life
          	Galaxy is endless
          	Oikawa last wishes
          	Should I do it? And how bad will I cry? 


I have done it. I keep forgetting to change it but I have finially changed my sexuality in my bio. Like I have know for a while but never thought to change it. I can't believe I thought I was straight XD. And yes I support the LGBTQ+.
          Hello my fellow gays and straights!!! Im still alive. So how are you humans? XD


@Just_a_trashy_dancer Im doing fine. Just typing up a new poem. And deciding if I should post it or not.


You ever just want to write a story but then realize you suck at grammer and spelling and cant write for sh*t. Like I want to write a soulmate AU and its like anxceitmus but I cant keep it on a schedule. And if I cant even right an essay then I cant write a story. :(
          Anyway how are the people that follow me for some reason doing?


*hope not good
            Lol How did I mess that up so bad!


I’m doing well, I good you are as well. 


Happy halloween!!! I know for me the day is almost over so.... What did you guys do?
          For me I cosplayed Aizawa with my friends who cosplayed MHA as well tho no one would be my Mic for me :(


@shyshy1798 i went shopping lol, but yesterday I dressed up as the boy from E.T, with E.T on my bike


Hey there! 
          Read this, I mean it - Smiling is the greatest gift in the world and it's even better when it comes from a kind genuine person like you! Post this on 10 people’s profiles who you think deserves a smile! I think that no matter how many you get back doesn't matter because you are worth so much! Who you are isn't determined by likes or follows. All that matters is that you are you and there’s nothing better than that.


There's no turning back after you start reading this, trust me this will put a smile on your face. Every night someone thinks about you before they go to sleep. At least 15 people in this world love you. There are two people in this world. That which would kill for you and those which would not.
          You mean the world to someone. Someone you don't know exists loves you. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it. When you think the world has turned it’s back on you, take a look. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget the rude remarks.
          So if you are a loving friend, send this to 15 people including the person who sent this to you (a.k.a me).  Make someone else's day. Help get a smile on someone else's face! Help someone out! Remember that you are loved F.R.I.E.N.D.S =
          Fight for you
          Respect you
          Involve you
          Encourage you
          Need you
          Deserve you
          Are glad to have you
          Save you
          (Originally this had if you receive a certain amount back you are loved a certain amount, but no matter how many you receive back you are cared about and loved)
          You may go through tough times but always remember that there’s someone to lean on and trust during these times. 


            That’s okay that you’re too lazy to copy it. I totally get it.^_^


@Kew2yzzil 1. I want to say you to cuz im to lazy to copy it by hand sorry 2. I- I guess your right cuz it is an opinion 


this message may be offensive
Who the fuck even cares about my poems or a mistake-


@shyshy1798 I mean when did we start making poems for the attention? Last I checked we use it to cope to write and try express everything we felt. And who cares how many people see what we write it's for us and those who want to read it and can relate. Honestly life sucks it really does like so bad but we have also improved by a lot and I think that's worth something! 


@shyshy1798 F*ck it repeated..... Cant make it a month or two huh.  


@shyshy1798 heh so it been awhile let's try not to make thing repeat and do things better ok. 