
Two updates in two days?! I'm doing so well. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about. Please go check out For My Lilly! :)


@Wattpad please remove the limit of books you can add to a reading list. Or atleast make it so we can change the order of the reading lists on the screen that comes up to add a book to it. I’m struggling  


Nvm I spent four hours fixing it the hard way. Thanks Wattpad. (IM BEING SARCASTIC I LITERALLY COULDNT LIVE WITHOUT YOU IT WAS WORTH IT I DONT MIND)


Another short story out, “The Monster Within”. Dive in head first to a short story about the mystery of a town that is burdened with being attacked with fiction and fantasy but they never know when. And when it’s over…they don’t remember it.