






One more thing, I am so sorry I've been neglecting my commenters. That is a Terrible and disrespectful thing to do and I feel horrible about it. I will try to be better with keeping up with comments ♡♡♡☆☆☆♡♡♡☆☆☆


I never said anything publicly but thank you to @Loner500 for making the new and vastly improved book cover for MQC. It means a lot to me and the cover is awesome. Glad to see the book is still kicking even though I haven't updated in a while.
          Now for other things, I'm still not back yet but I'll finish one day guys. I don't really write to much anymore but my writer mind is still lurking around and I think I'm close to finding it again. See I was more active last year and I'm starting to reconnect with a boy from back then who really inspired me.
          I'm getting into D.Gray-man at the moment and still have a lot of other anime to watch in a short amount of time so I'm gonna be all over the place for a while. 
          And as for my personal life, it's going pretty good. Just have a few more problems to get through when school gets back and I'm good to go.
          But if you ever want to talk to me I'll be here as soon as I can. So please, come by any time.
          That's basically all for the Update on me and I hope to see you all soon!!!!!!!!
          Lots of love,
                      Shannon_the_sha ♡