
I bet it is hotter where you are than here i. you sleep all day and work at night to avoid the heat?


@StephenMerlino yeah. Though monsoons have arrived on time. Great respite from heat... No i work on a regular routine of 9am to 6pm. Cant escape that.. But i do enjoy sat n sunday  off immensly


I would love to be able to do ghat, and I will try. Write me in a week and remind me. Rught now I have some chapters ready, but they are in the middle if the book. I need to finish chapter one through three. They are rough and half motes at present. 


@StephenMerlino sure will do. U take care.


Hi! Thanks for reading The Jack and Knave of Souls. Yes, therebis a third book, working title “The Three Eyed Jack.” I am writing it this summer and hope to have a first draft or most of one. If you remind me at the end you of the summer I can probably start posting chapters. :)


@StephenMerlino hi. Just to remind its already mid summer in India. I dont know if ur talking about summer in your city/ country which comes when i have no idea. Sorry. It wud be nice if you cud start posting like in this month or maybe july itself...we have summers till september  in India.;)