
kiw, Her Poisonous Throne akhirnya update lagi loh


@sgnilhtrae And, I wanted to announce the reason why I can't update regularly like any other authors. It's a cliché excuse, but I'm pretty busy with life. I'm busy preparing for ujian praktek, PAT, ujian sekolah, and UTBK and all of them is in the same month (March through May). Maybe hearing those words might help you guys to understand why can't I update twice a week or once a week like how I want to. But, still... Thank you for reading HPT! It means a lot to me! Peace, babes <3


kiw, Her Poisonous Throne akhirnya update lagi loh


@sgnilhtrae And, I wanted to announce the reason why I can't update regularly like any other authors. It's a cliché excuse, but I'm pretty busy with life. I'm busy preparing for ujian praktek, PAT, ujian sekolah, and UTBK and all of them is in the same month (March through May). Maybe hearing those words might help you guys to understand why can't I update twice a week or once a week like how I want to. But, still... Thank you for reading HPT! It means a lot to me! Peace, babes <3


C was my first love. Between best and worst, he's definitely in the middle (leaning to worst, though).
          Three years had passed and he still lingered on my mind. I don't even know if I love him, or this was just pure obsession, cause no one could replace him. No one could take my heart the way he is, though there are times where he hurt my feelings and dropped my self-esteem. 
          He was a problem, but maybe I am the problem here.