Yo! I'm just your local geek procrastinates a lot. Yes. That's mostly all I do. Oh and I might have a SLIGHT obsession with Genji Shimada

So... what do I like? Let's see... I like games, for starters? I grew up playing games but I only got into games properly last year. My favourite types of games are RPGs like Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, stuff like that. I also really like Overwatch! Although I'm not that great at it

Besides games, I like anime, I guess? I like horror anime like Yami Shibai and Shiki. I don't watch anime often now since I procrastinate... like a lot.

That's literally all for me. Stay tuned to see what I write.

Profile picture done by Xansin on Tumblr!
  • Australia
  • JoinedNovember 14, 2017
