
I've been working really hard on A Crown by Blood lately, but I've realized that it isn't really the same as my first story, A King's Weakness, so I decided to put the original back on my page. If the two continue to diverge, I very well may be looking at two completely individual books rather than two very different drafts of the same story. A King's Weakness got a lot of love previously and it brought me a lot of joy, so I wanted it back out there.
          	XX - L


Oh thank god I was so confused  amazing book btw <3


@CocaineLuvs No! It isn't over. I just haven't had time lately to do edits. I am almost done with my next chapter and will try to post soon. I've just been crazy busy recently!


Ohh okay so is A Kings Weakness is over? I didn’t realize that Chapter 26 was the ending


I don't know what's going on with the Kings weakness but it's too good to stop or put on pause. If you're worried it wasn't good enough oh my f****** god it was good please finish please please please finish it sat on my Wattpad for the longest time because I'm waiting for you to finish if it wasn't good I would have raised it a long time ago and never would have gave it a chance but it's good it's really really good so please finish. There's people out there that would kill to have your talents don't tell yourself this dude comes naturally is obviously your gifted.


Thank you! This was the sweetest thing to read ever. I lost my motivation somewhat, but I’m working on the next chapter now. Hope to have it out soon!!


I've been working really hard on A Crown by Blood lately, but I've realized that it isn't really the same as my first story, A King's Weakness, so I decided to put the original back on my page. If the two continue to diverge, I very well may be looking at two completely individual books rather than two very different drafts of the same story. A King's Weakness got a lot of love previously and it brought me a lot of joy, so I wanted it back out there.
          XX - L


Oh thank god I was so confused  amazing book btw <3


@CocaineLuvs No! It isn't over. I just haven't had time lately to do edits. I am almost done with my next chapter and will try to post soon. I've just been crazy busy recently!


Ohh okay so is A Kings Weakness is over? I didn’t realize that Chapter 26 was the ending


Hi all-
          You might have noticed that my books are no longer available on my page. I took them down because I am reworking book one significantly enough that it changes book two. When I am finished with book one (still working on a new title), I would recommend re-reading it because I am changing character names and a significant amount of the plot.
          Thank for your support,


Hi everyone, this is a notification that a new chapter of A King's Weakness is up! I am finally back from vacation, so expect more new chapters to be posted this week. Thanks for you support and I hope you all continue to enjoy the book!


This book is AMAZING! When I saw the small amount of reads and votes I was actually surprised, this is so good I am obsessed!! Yes I just binged every chapter so far, not ashamed one bit. 10/10 would recommend you are doing awesome


@BerryBear27 Thank you so much! I hope you continue to enjoy it. :)


Okay so you’re telling me that you joined 3 months ago and yet wrote a masterpiece in that time frame? 


 the dedication-


@Crooked_Fascinations Haha I did start writing it in late July, so I guess the answer is yes! I imagine I will be finished with it in the next month or so and will be starting book two. I am glad you like it :)


Hey!!!! I love your book!!! ❤️❤️


@serenesupernova  Take your time and I think you're really talented and when you write something good, people are bound to like it :) Keep it up!!


@DarkestOrb Thank you very much! I am shocked at how much love it has received in the last 24 hours. I am working to post more today or tomorrow. :)