
How are we all? Keeping safe and out of mischief?
          	I sporadically have flashes of wanting to write, nothing in particular but I distinctly remember the pleasure of writing when I was much younger, *sighs* that was a looooong time ago...
          	...Current hobbies mainly involve thrashing it out in the gym, also known to many as torture by choice, obsessing over 70s detective show "Columbo" 
          	I absolutely loved this show as a kid but my light has been reignited and I'm not ashamed to admit I have the biggest thing for Peter Falk, he was a dish back in his hey day but what's new? I'm drawn to older unavailable (currently not on this mortal coil) men...
          	Maybe some sort of one shot Columbo fic?
          	 Unfortunately there was no romance concerning our rumpled detective in the show and the only love interest mentioned over the series was his wife...someone we never saw as a viewer..but hey a girl can imagine right?
          	Still recovering from my visit to the dentist this week, having a tooth pulled out in ones 30s is never fun, no solid foods, sugary drinks, no over exertion for a week or so, let the healing commence...
          	Also currently pontificating the realisation that 2020 was indeed a real thing and that time goes too bloody fast...feels like some kind of dystopian dream? Nightmare?
          	Either way I would like a refund please....
          	Thanks for tuning into the ramblings of a  mad woman...
          	Until the next time 


How are we all? Keeping safe and out of mischief?
          I sporadically have flashes of wanting to write, nothing in particular but I distinctly remember the pleasure of writing when I was much younger, *sighs* that was a looooong time ago...
          ...Current hobbies mainly involve thrashing it out in the gym, also known to many as torture by choice, obsessing over 70s detective show "Columbo" 
          I absolutely loved this show as a kid but my light has been reignited and I'm not ashamed to admit I have the biggest thing for Peter Falk, he was a dish back in his hey day but what's new? I'm drawn to older unavailable (currently not on this mortal coil) men...
          Maybe some sort of one shot Columbo fic?
           Unfortunately there was no romance concerning our rumpled detective in the show and the only love interest mentioned over the series was his wife...someone we never saw as a viewer..but hey a girl can imagine right?
          Still recovering from my visit to the dentist this week, having a tooth pulled out in ones 30s is never fun, no solid foods, sugary drinks, no over exertion for a week or so, let the healing commence...
          Also currently pontificating the realisation that 2020 was indeed a real thing and that time goes too bloody fast...feels like some kind of dystopian dream? Nightmare?
          Either way I would like a refund please....
          Thanks for tuning into the ramblings of a  mad woman...
          Until the next time 


Christmas Eve...
          If you aren't running around like a headless chicken scampering around for last minute Christmas tid bits are you even British?
          Navigating the queues, hoping there will be enough crisps, chocolate and drinks to see you through one day of the year, where shock horror most retailers (in the UK close for the day)
          This time of year sends us folk into somewhat of a frenzy, to be honest I did the bulk of my gift sourcing a couple of weeks ago, but as soon as the date looms closer you are sort of thrown into a blind panic!
          Will they like the gifts? Am I being too cheap? Is the gift necessary?
          Of course it's the thought that counts...I've tried to keep things simple and minimalistic this year, essentials that are necessary, especially with the current climate.
          So here we are, the days will surely converge into another, where time is indeed skewed and as we fill up on good food, good memories and good times, it's all about being with our loved ones.
          Stay warm, stay safe!
          Merry Christmas one and all!


          The Alan Rickman Diaries...
          Glorious divine reading so flows so well...granted he muses over his life and thoughts in journal form, it really does feel you are on a chronological journey with him. Some moments make you gasp out loud...laugh out loud to oneself.
          Alan was a Piscean like myself, his humour I completely, understand, his dryness is just so refreshing, no nonsense, straight to the point chatter. We fishies are indecisive and he refers to this constant push pull of yes and no, back and forth which is almost ingrained in a Pisceans nature.
          One entry *Spoiler Alert* 
          Alan writes...
          "The life, mind and times of Piscean, while half of me is saying, no don't go, it's a mistake, the other half of me is ironing a shirt and ordering a taxi"
          Classic Piscean behaviour! 
          I'm 56 pages in so far and it really does feel as though he is speaking to you, almost as though he is talking to a friend, offloading his frustrations, extending his views on the world, being brutally honest about his peers, analysing his career choices...
          The best thing? I can hear his voice in my mind with each journal entry...
          Alan's command of the English language is impeccable, his verbiage... indictative, of how well educated Alan was, had he not gone into the acting profession he would have been an incredible writer/English teacher. 
          I feel blessed to be reading such an intimate preview into his life which by all accounts was incredibly well lived, a well travelled man with a taste for simple yet elegant luxuries in life, a man who adored and cherished his family and friends.
          It does feel as though layers of Alan are starting to unravel. Of course this diary account of his life and experiences barely touch the surface... however for fans of this rare beautiful human being will undoubtedly feel this glimpse into his world, is absolutely the next best thing to knowing and have met the man himself.


Feeling very emotional as my pre order copy of The Alan Rickmans Diaries; Madly Deeply is arriving in the post tomorrow, it feels beautiful to have something tangible in my hands, and I'm sure for millions of others, his thoughts on life, career his peers and the world at large, 
          Granted he was fiercely private it feels as though I'm peeking from  behind a curtain, to observe and it feels abit forbidden? Nevertheless it will be entirely riveting to read.
          I am aware this was something Alan planned on releasing in the future, the hoopla and intrigue of these diaries have been on our lips and minds for the past two years, to be on the cusp of receiving this material is very emotive. 
          Alan made his last diary entry a month before he passed, I wonder if this will be woven into the diaries?
          I will update with my thoughts in the not too distant future, take care Xx


@sephine87 It's so moving isn't it? It's just so bloody sad! Having a peek inside his mind is just so surreal, I'm a few pages in on his diary entries for 1993, just fascinating Xx


The forward had me tearing up, this book is gonna ruin me 


Hello! How are we all? Back from my travels and back to normality :( Being abroad in the the most gorgeous country has been beautiful! I must admit getting on a plane for the first time in 6 years, was wild! Especially with how changed the world has been these past couple of years! 
          I hope you are all well and in good health!
          If you have the opportunity to travel don't delay! Life is so short! Xx
          N.B it's lovely to see my fic is still being read, I've literally logged in this evening (after some months) to see activity and likes from you, welcome and thank you Xx


To those who have been following my account and interacting on my literature, I will be taking a much needed hiatus. I have no further plans at this moment in time, to write or collaborate on this platform. Thank you for your understanding, much love Xx


As we continue our journey onward into 2022...I would like to wish you all a prosperous new year full of love light and good health! Thank you all so much for being a part of my space. May there be more creativity, imagination and inspiration on this platform. 


Sending love to each of you, I hope you are all doing well and keeping yourselves safe, the world is chaotic yet in the midst of it all... the glue that holds us together is LOVE. Shine bright and never lose hope, on that note eat, drink, be merry and enjoy the festivities! Xx