
Hey your story link doesnt work D: I was looking forward to it!!!


@agonising Aww D: You took it down? And no no, there is no description but the link is still there but when I clicked on it, it said 'Story is no longer found' and it made me sad :(
            I wasnt trying to confuse you HAHA


@BuBbLeGUmGiRL1X6 there shouldn't be any because I've taken down everything?? What is happening 


@agonising Yeah the one right there ^^ The description for your new short story??


Hey Love! 
          So I kind of write Harry styles fan fics, and I'd realky appreciate it if you would give them a look once you're free. please comment, hopefully you'll like them and addnthem to your library.  hope you have a great day, night, or evening.
          Stay Beautiful♥If you ever need anything feel free to message me I'll reply sooner or later :)
          p.s. if you'd like follow me I'll fb :) 
          All the Love.xx.