
It is only now that I've posted that message that I've realised how many smileys I used. Lol.


Woohooo!!! 30 followers!!! Thanks for the all the follows guys, they're really appreciated (...and if you, ahem, want to check out our individual accounts, @Armin132 and @ReasonableOne15 , that would also be reeeaallly appreciated)...AND if you want to check out our book The Fire in Her Eyes, then that would be GREAT. 
          If you wanted to know more about it, basically The Fire in Her Eyes is a teen fic about a guy named Colten and a girl named Kory-J (or KJ), and is told in dual perspectives about their lives through senior year of high. If this sounds interesting to you, then please check it out and don't be afraid to comment and vote!!
          Thanks and have a great day XD


(Hello everyone! 
          Me and Lailah are so happy that we already have 21 followers in the short time we've had this account. We love the support! Please, take a look at our book The Fire in Her Eyes while your here, and if you like that, then go to our individual accounts [as shown in our profile] and read the works we have there! 
          Like I said, we love the support, and all you guys are great. 
          Remember to: 
          Read it. Love it? Share it.)


Hi Followers :D
          If you have the time, please check out "The Fire in Her Eyes", a teen fiction novel we just published. We've released two chapters to start off, and will continue updating once a week. All votes, comments and reads really appreciated!!