
i am scared of losing people but scared of catching feelings.
          	i keep taking the hits for others the words that are thrown at me hurt me but i do it all for you people because i couldn't stand losing someone else so hit me as hard as you want and call me whatever you want but im done letting it bother me.


i am scared of losing people but scared of catching feelings.
          i keep taking the hits for others the words that are thrown at me hurt me but i do it all for you people because i couldn't stand losing someone else so hit me as hard as you want and call me whatever you want but im done letting it bother me.


Heyyo there, I just wanna tell you that you don't have to be broken cause you have someone that you love, I really know how you feel about it I've got the same problem when I was alone, but don't feel broken! I'm sure he is there to safe you and fix you! ~bianca 


@ secreat_girl  anytime my dear friend 


@sh00kimills awe thank you so much you guys are truly amazing