
i know i havent been on here for a long time, but seriously. the medusa project needs to have a fandom. ive been waiting 4 years for it to get recognition buT STILL NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT THE BOOKS  : (


ask me anything/suggest something for me to write (headcanons/ whatever) here!


@KaeliaMellark what? ive always been back!!


@seaweedbraen you didnt tell me you were back what is this i feel betrayed haha


im being very very shameless here, but send me headcanons/anything pjo related (it can be one-liners that you want included in a fic, idk, anything) and i'll try to write them on my tumblr!! message me here!! also, you can ask me any personal questions because my is deleted oops!! even if you are anonymous on tumblr im fine with it! go ahead and ask, i promise you, i don't bite!! 
          ps: this is an all year thing, even if you see this in 2017, yES, i will try my best to write/answer you! 
          pss: i love u guys a lot, and thank you for 718 followers because tbh, in 2012 when i created this account, i would've never imagined getting more than 50 LOL


I'm sorry for being MIA a lot!! but im taking a diploma course and because it's a gpa system, i can't screw anything up!!! but it's finally my holidays so maybe id get my lazy ass off pretty little liars and actually start writing again!!!! 


hello, so if you don't know, i actually have a tumblr for all pjo related!! i will be taking writing requests there, and i'd be writing some stuff there too!! there's one one shot up there right now, and it's pretty short. (i'd be writing all the short ones/old stuff and upload it there) 
          and no, i have not abandoned wattpad. i have, however, abandoned however, if there are any personal questions you want to ask, you can ask on my tumblr (personal/pjo - either is fine). hope you could take a look at the new tumblr!
          the pjo-only:
          the personal one:
          have a great day/night! : )