
I'm sorry for my questionable absence for the past months. I have no idea what I'm doing with my life and I don't imagine I'll upload on here or even be on. But I do want to say thanks for all the success I've been granted! Thank you to my fans for the reads. The praise I got on Persisting Stars is flattering, so thank you for so many people enjoying it!


I'm sorry for my questionable absence for the past months. I have no idea what I'm doing with my life and I don't imagine I'll upload on here or even be on. But I do want to say thanks for all the success I've been granted! Thank you to my fans for the reads. The praise I got on Persisting Stars is flattering, so thank you for so many people enjoying it!


Aww thank you!!! Ahaha, I should be your own personal internet cheerleader! Gimme a S (S) gimme an E (E) gimme an A (A) add 'tides' to that and what do we have? (SEATIDES) WHAT WAS THAT?? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!! (SEATIDES) I'll come up with an actual song soon, don't worry :). 


@pantomath i apologise profusely for leaving it so long before replying. you're so awesome, thank you!


It's honestly a pleasure to read your writing (your other story 'l-o-l-a' is in my library but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet. I will as soon as I can though!!) Your stories are refreshing [that's a weird word... 'Refreshing'] to read. I haven't read poetry I've enjoyed for a long time. So thank you for making me enjoy the art of poetry again!!


@pantomath dude your support is amazing. i am so thankful. <3


sorry for not posting or even being online properly for two weeks, school and stuff, im sure you guys know. maybe/hopefully/ehh/??? i'll have some new material up sometime soon? possibly this month? i dont know