
Just made a major edit to the chapters of Homophylum: The Turning. Got bigger on the worldbuilding and building on the main premise of the story. Check it out if you’d like 


Hello followers just wanna let you guys know I’ve been up to. So I’ve been thinking in making my own Book Review *gasp* I think I may b qualified for it, there isn’t anything you have to do to get in, I’m doing them for free cuz I’m not like a licensed professional or anything lmao. I like doing these for fun and I’ll more get more into detail about it when I make it, if you’re interested then stay tuned! 


Hello to anyone seeing this. My name is Nico, I go by they/them, and I’m currently writing a Sci-fi/psychological thriller story that heavily includes the original lore of my characters. If we’ve known each other before, you probably remember my story “Uphold” (though it wasn’t that great of a story.) “Homophylum” is a futuristic, psychological thriller twist to the world from “Uphold”  and “Fox eyes,” featuring the iconic cast. If you were a fan of my older works, I believe you will enjoy “Homophylum,” if not more than the other works I have written. With that said, go ahead and give it a read, let me know what you think