
❝You are needed and your presence is essential. You are needed - your passion, your heart, your mind, your creativity, your compassion and your empathy. So don't sit on the sidelines questioning your place. You belong, here. You are strong, you are here on purpose, for a purpose. Do your best - lean into wisdom, take with you wise counsel and take action - whenever and however you can. That's all that is required of you. Then trust the goodness of life to bring the victory. There's a change coming, and even in the messy - your presence matters.❞ 
          "you were my sunshine" is beautiful, I hope you'd write more♥♥


you were my sunshine is beautiful, your writing is beautiful ♡


@diablitos- more than worthy, deserving ❤


@diablitos- thank you very much!!! this truly means a lot <3 i am glad you found this old work of mine worthy of reading and commenting on!!