
》 cb and specify
          	tag if I missed a reply 


@scaleshift    †  ∖      friendly  or  curious ? <33


&  .        intrigued intro.


||:   i'll take anything :)


،، Do you ever think — ? ... Well, clearly, I don't. I forgot what I was saying... ”


@frctellone 〕
            "it is a great gathering. can't help a few than usual drinks. don't be too hard on yourself. maybe sit down a bit. I'll get you some water to help." he'd been there many times. his life as a soldier made it rather hard to tell if he was drunk at times. a true alcoholic in his youth, vut it has gotten much better — well, as good as it can get when you work in bars and taverns and most people buy you drinks for the hell of it all. 


            ،، I – ” He couldn't get more than that out at first, interrupted by his own giggling. In a state like this, he always did find his laughter difficult to control. ،، And here I was telling myself I wouldn't drink much tonight. ”


@frctellone 〕
            "you okay there? you seem a little scattered there, friend." the bard questioned with a soft laugh, hoping it wasn't something serious. a little drunkenness would be more than manageable. 


》 cb and specify
          tag if I missed a reply 


@scaleshift    †  ∖      friendly  or  curious ? <33


&  .        intrigued intro.


||:   i'll take anything :)


݁⠀ ⠀.̲.̲.̲⠀ ⠀*⠀ ⠀"now   / that /   was   one   tantalizing   story  .   tell   me   you   have   many   more  .   "


            》 made something new for these two


݁⠀ ⠀.̲.̲.̲⠀ ⠀*⠀ ⠀@scaleshift     †  
            the   thought   of   a   warm   bath   nearly   had   the   spawn   decide   to   get   a   room   then   and   there.   "a   warm   bath   you   say?  maybe   i'll   consider   staying   here   a   bit   longer."   for   too   long   he'd   been   bathing   in   cold,   inhabited   rivers.   his   skin   craved   a   warm   watery   embrace.   "the   quiet   was   boring   but   i'll   take   anything   away   from   my   party   right   now.   they've   all   got   such  ..   / loud /   personalities   it's   all   so   draining.   "  he   truly   liked   most   of   his   party   but   they   could   definitely   be   a   lot   at   times.   some,   mostly   gale,   drove   him   crazier   than   others.   "where   will   you   go   after   this?   "   he   wondered,   equally   as   nosy.


            "Well, if not for the bed maybe the warm bath is worth it. Each room gets one for free as a guest. You just have to tell the owner and they'll fill one up for you." Oh and there was nothing better in this world in his opinion. After a long and difficult journey a warm bath just soothed all that stress and pain away. More than any drink could. "Then it is especially unfortunate it is so quiet. Though, maybe for you it is a good thing? Sounds like your party may be the busy bunch if you saught a place away from them all?" He didn't mean to be nosy, but he was fascinated. The man looked like he had a good few stories of his own and the bard itched to know them. But he couldn't just ask out right. He wanted to slowy piece it together for himself. 


||:  i was just about to reply to the chain below now that i've got muse   i hope this is romantic enough! work left me angrier than ansur at balduran in act 3 
          “ oh, did someone find a spot of inspiration? you've been writing something for the past half hour. ” he teased, leaning over the half-elf's shoulder with a chuckle. pretending as if he could actually read his writing, yet guessing it was a song by how it was being written. “ if it's anything like the song you came up with about me, i'm certain it'll be wonderful. perhaps even better. ”


━ ⌗ ⠂⠄ @consumingmagic 
            He didn't think any of it was mutual. That he was just being a little kid fawning over some mystical traveller from kne of the cities he loved to visit most. To have found someone who wouldn't judge him for his curse, even though he has yet to tell him what his curse does. Who had their own share of troubles. Yet always slimed and got so happy over the smallest of things. His ranting was honestly so enduring. Just to hear his passions and the magic he showed. So, the gesture helped settle the uncertainty. Moving a bit closer before leaning against his shoulder just a bit. Giving a soft laugh. "Teriible lies. If they weren't that good, then why read them so much?" Just to be a bit of a tease. Most likely, having noticed Gale's afternoon reading sessions now and again. 


his face felt warm. felt as though he were standing in fire rather than sitting down. this was a normal conversation between two people who'd grown close to one another. so why was his face this warm? his eyes darted downwards, avoiding looking at the half-elf while he tried to figure out the answer to this question. however, that only meant he could see eldarion's hand slowly inch closer towards his own. brown eyes darting elsewhere, focusing on a random patch of dirt instead. a few moments passed before his hand moved to rest on top of the bard's own. finally gaining the courage to look back at the other again. “ if you insist... though maybe not book recommendations. those... those are uh... not fun. at all. ” by the gods above, how'd he find those?  if his face wasn't noticeably hot before, it sure was now after that. 


@consumingmagic 〕
            Damn it all. The only words that would form in thought. He used to be such a player and romantic, but for once, he didn't seem to know what to say or do. Maybe because all of it before was an act and this was him being his most honest self. Hesitantly inching a hand closer to Gale's that was resting on the ground, though would stop with the slightest of gaps apart. Not looking or acknowledging it. Like a slight of hand in secret that didn't really go anywhere. Most likely unnoticed, too. "Maybe I'll leave the poems to you. And the book recommendations. Some of the covers are ... well, interesting, to say the least." Hoping tk ignore his failed attempts and change the subject. But, he had been curious of those. They definitely weren't educational books. 


a sudden pain seized his chest, emanating from the orb. a hand scrambled to find his pack, to find anything that could stop this horrible sensation. he'd half a mind to call out to his companion, yet the bard was elsewhere at the moment, having had to clear his mind.


@consumingmagic 〕
            Regardless he would get him his water skin, placing it beside him. He couldn't help but draw the man close. Hilding him in his embrace a moment. It was slightly a relief to know he wasn't alone , but mostly to remind Gale he wasn't either. "We won't let it come to that. We both will find someone to help. So don't apologise for this." Slowly he let go. A glance at the marking. It had given such a pretty glow despite the horrir it was causing. So it explodes and releases all this energy thats been stored and absorbed? It was terrifying to think about. "I think it only right you know of mine. I can't be put into situations that may cause my emotions to spike above my control. I change completely and I have no control or memory of what takes place once I do change. So, if mine should even glo, promise you'd run or hide. I don't want anything to happen to you." This fear he felt wasn't enough. Back when the curse first came it would have been, but he has learned ro control it to a certain extent. It had to be life or death. 


upon feeling the pouch being shoved into his hands, he reached in and grabbed two. something in the back of his mind saying that it might not work like usual, yet he pressed them to his chest nonethless. willing the orb to absorb the weave within the rings and feeling it work. barely, but it sated the hunger for now. the rings rendered useless in a matter of minutes. just as quickly as the pain had arrived, it went away. leaving him able to breath again. chest no longer feeling as though it would erupt. with a shaky inhale and exhale, he finally answered. “you've done plenty for me already. i won't ask anything else of you.” his eyes met the half-elf's gaze, unsure if he should apologize first or explain his condition further. “i—  i'm sorry for the fright this must've caused you. i was certain it would hold out a few days longer like usual.” the words flew from his mouth, his grip on the pouch tightening. “but it didn't this time... and i'm so, so sorry for what happened.” the apology spilled from his lips again, not wanting to voice the fact that he'd die if it couldn't be stabilized. erupt and take out half the area with him. “if... if it can't be sustained any more on magical artifacts, then i'd leave. waiting out my days til eruption in solitude. the only way to protect you and those around me.”


@consumingmagic 〕
            He was fortunate to have stayed close. Only having needed some air and cold water. But this just felt like the nightmare was continuing. Like he didn't wake at all. Following his instruction he helped to look. Pulling out the pouch and opening it for him. "Here." He would say, firmly leaving it in Gale's hands as he moved a bit away. He didn't know how the curse acted. His own was a horror to be around. The bard didnt want either of them getting hurt. "What else can I do? What would happen if you can't sustain it?" It wasn't to be a pain, but he had to know. So he could be prepared. And it dawned on him to maybe do the same. Gale deserced to know, but it can wait until he was in a better state. 


،، There's no need to worry. It's dead. ”


"Oh, well – happy to be of service." He would jest, not a spiteful sarcasm, more so a passing thanks for saving his skin when she could have left him to be food for the beast. Though, not too keen on sticking around either as he would gather some of his things. "Uhm, may I ask the name of my hero? I promise I wont make it a song, unless you wish it. But even so I doubt you'd get a flux in fans. Just a traveller really so not much of a renowned performer." 


            ،، I'm sure it wasn't that bad. ” Admittedly, Ciri hadn't been so focused on the music, so she really couldn't say for sure. She offered a smile at the remark, taking a moment to wipe the blood from her blade before sheathing it as she eyed the corpse a bit longer before looking to the man she'd saved. ،، It's nest is nearby. I was just tracking it down, actually. I suppose you did help speed up that process. ”


@ashencub 〕
            "Thank the Gods. It came out if nowhere – guess it wasn't a fan of my song." The half-elf was definitely relieved. He had to replace his sword still, so he wasn't all that prepared to fight a monster with his fists. At least he was saved this time. A luck he never had. 


》 Character Info:


            Since he can't really read or write, he has made up his own way of writing. A mix of common, elven and musical related symbols and meanings. He doubted anyone could read it. But, it was how he saved songs and stories on pages. His own made-up letters for common. He reads it as common and speaks it in common. Very few would be in the elven tongue as very few of his story listeners or customers would be elves (besides, the majority of them spoke and knew common as well) 


            He may look rather feminine, especially to those who think he is human. But make no mistake, he was a good soldier and never stopped moving between kingdoms and towns. He is a lot stronger than he seems. Even hiding it under cowardice when confronted. Yet those eho know him well would not dare start a brawl in a tavern he is working for the night. His past occupation did definitely leave a good few marks. None you would see unless you were one to join him for the night in his room. 


            He discovered the root of the curse, managing to somewhat control it. Though, he is still actively searching for someone to break it all together. Extreme adrenaline from anger or fear can still trigger the change. He has no control once the full change takes place and it takes longer to brewk out of it each time. It may consume him completely one day. 