
I don't know if any of you will reply to this but my new story it's called " it all started with a suicide note" and if any of you are sensitive to that topic I suggest you not read it because there will be a lot of suicide in it or committing suicide but I just wanted to let you guys know and I think this book, I will be working a lot on this book. So if you want me to update the other ones just message me because I will mostly be working on the suicide one so just message me if you want me to post on a different one yeah I think I'm just repeating myself okay bye guys... - Sayge 


I don't know if any of you will reply to this but my new story it's called " it all started with a suicide note" and if any of you are sensitive to that topic I suggest you not read it because there will be a lot of suicide in it or committing suicide but I just wanted to let you guys know and I think this book, I will be working a lot on this book. So if you want me to update the other ones just message me because I will mostly be working on the suicide one so just message me if you want me to post on a different one yeah I think I'm just repeating myself okay bye guys... - Sayge 


Is it ok if I use some lines from one of you storys?


@brockoli_Golbach not all of it but you can use some of it yeah


@brockoli_Golbach I thought a couple of the things you wrote were cool and I want to know if I could use it


Thanks for following me!!!!!!!


I'll talk to you tomorrow or later


Oooof Colby Brock stan 


Stan means you like/love that person/thing and I love Colby Brock 


Hello people that follow me. probably none of you read my books but I'm making another one about Colby Brock and I wanted your opinion. So the first book is called "The Insane Asylum" and this girl I'm not going to say her name yet but she is a doctor at the insane asylum and Colby is one of her patients. Colby is a psycho... and he hates and hurts also threatens all the doctors accept for this girl  and there are a few bumps in the road but the end up together. < (I'm sort of still working on it) and the other one is how this new girl gets bullied and Colby is one of the bullies then there was this party that the girl's best friend made her go to and made her dress very nice and even some makeup. Then she goes to the party and Colby was there then Colby starts to get a crush on her... and that story is called "he used to be my bully" I hope you guys like them I don't know I might just write both of them but tell me which idea you like better.


@SaygeLane yeah you should do both. I already added the insane asylum to my list. B


@WDW4ever1012 so should I do both already started the insane asylum