
So I’ve been away from Wattpad for a pretty long time, for no real reason. I’ve come back and decided to post all the drafts that were sitting about gathering dust. So I have a few new stories posted and it would mean a lot to me if you’d check them out? 
          	Robbers and Romance 
          	Kill Me Love 
          	The Switch War 
          	Like I said they’re all just drafts I had so I’m under no illusion that they’re going to be perfect works of art. However, if people like them I may go back and revisit and try to improve them! Thanks very much!
          	- Carthey x


So I’ve been away from Wattpad for a pretty long time, for no real reason. I’ve come back and decided to post all the drafts that were sitting about gathering dust. So I have a few new stories posted and it would mean a lot to me if you’d check them out? 
          Robbers and Romance 
          Kill Me Love 
          The Switch War 
          Like I said they’re all just drafts I had so I’m under no illusion that they’re going to be perfect works of art. However, if people like them I may go back and revisit and try to improve them! Thanks very much!
          - Carthey x


Please write a sequel to The fall of miss Holmes. It's such a good fanfiction I will with out a doubt read it again but please write a sequel 


It's fine and take your time, write it hoe ever you want 


@brb_selling_my_soul Hi there! So sorry that I am so late in getting back to you. Unfortunately, the pressures of life made me sort of abandon this account for a while but I did see your comment and I am very grateful! I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed 'The Fall of Miss Holmes' and that you would even consider reading it a second time round! I have just posted an authors note explaining what I plan to do in terms of a sequel. At the moment I am definitely thinking of writing one so I hope that when I do you'll enjoy it as much as you seemed to enjoy this one! If you have any ideas or an opinion and how you'd like the sequel to be, please take a quick glance at my recently posted authors note and leave me a comment :) Thanks again for your lovely words! -Carthey 


Thanks so much for reading my book! I'm so happy you're enjoying it Unfortunately it's on my slow update list so it might be a while before I post another chapter :( it's one of those books you can only write when you're inspired. But nonetheless thank you for all of your support, it meant the world knowing someone liked it :) I'll try to get inspired to write it soon!! 


@savethesuperhero I recommend my list 'working on' those are where the books I work on the most are! Thanks!


Yeah I'm the same. I'll definitely take a look at your other works and see if anything peaks my interest, which I'm sure something will :) 


@savethesuperhero oh that definitely happens to me a lot too. I get an idea and I write it down and then it's like I never touch it again until like months later haha. In case you were interested I do have a couple of books I update regularly --but no worries if they don't interest you! Thanks again and you're welcome :) 