
How would y'all feel about a short romance series? Just simply quick paced romances in varying categories.


Hi there I wanna know have u stopped writing books??


So sorry for the late reply! I have been going through a rough patch in my life this past year and a half and have had a lot of change going on in my life. I have not stopped writing books, I’ve just have not been posting my books. I will be trying to start publishing books and rewriting the Assassin series in the future! 


Hello, loves. I am so sorry for being absent. I have been dealing with mental health issues and overwhelming school projects. However, I have been in the process of rewriting Agent Thirteen. It is very much a work in progress. It will most likely not be done anytime soon. I would also like to inform you that Alana's last name WILL be changed. I made the first draft at the ripe age of 12 and have internally cringed multiple times at how her name sounds coming out of my mouth. But, most importantly, I would just like to come on here and announce that I in fact have not died.
          Love, yours truly.


do you have i playlist? i'm reading agent 13 currently and damn every song is a banger


@jolinajolina7 hello, so sorry for the late response. I have an account on spotify (@marinebiologai) and there are a few playlists that should be listed. as far as playlists for this book specifically, I do not have any made yet.


Does Agent 13 have a happy ending ?


@zarathewhore_ what do ya think baby ? 