
Er, I suppose that I'm back on for a bit... I'm super sorry about inactivity on this little site thing...and yeah. I'm gonna try to edit these stories (as I've been saying for almost half a year now haha) and try to make myself feel better about myself and whatever potential that I have as a writer and stuff. You know, it's always nice to have that little confidence boost, right? 


Er, I suppose that I'm back on for a bit... I'm super sorry about inactivity on this little site thing...and yeah. I'm gonna try to edit these stories (as I've been saying for almost half a year now haha) and try to make myself feel better about myself and whatever potential that I have as a writer and stuff. You know, it's always nice to have that little confidence boost, right? 


Mehhh, I feel horrible for not being on here in what seems like forever x_x Since I have an insane amount of downtime today, I think I'm just going to focus on editing and uploading stuff since...well I have no life right now. Haha, again, sorry for the absence!