
about to come out to my dad, sooo yeah. this should be fun.
          	 - Queen


Hey guys, Queen here. Just thought you should know that after a few months of self-reflection (help me, I sound like an adult!!) that I am not ace/aro, but sex neutral, demiromantic, and lesbian. So, yeah. What are you guys coming out stories - if you have one that is...


Do you guys ever get annoyed at morons who don't understand what Ace means?? Urgh. The other day, some doofus said that me and my friend would be a cute couple. My friend is gay. I am ace. I wanted to slap the idiot. Moral of the story: Don't insult the community. Sorry for ranting.
          - Queen


Hey guys, Queen here. So today my gay friend got insulted about his sexuality - again - and told me that if one more person said something, he was going to slap them. Now, don't get me wrong, I completly think that he should retaliate, but I don't think slapping somebody on school property is a very good idea. Does anyone have a suggestion as to what I should tell him?


@sassysibs hah, nothin' much. How're you?


@Sparkly_Satan oh, I thought I was the only one up at the terrible hour!! whats up?


I just want to say something. I love what you wrote on the About tab. I have seen it before and I think that is a wonderful reminder that people have lives other then what the bully knows and what the bullied victim shows at school or work. It is very inspirational. Inspirational as in ending bullying and to care for others because that little kindness you show can make a big difference in their life. Can I please ask? What will this account talk about? I am very curious but I think I can make a guess but I would like to truly know. I am very interested in these kind of topics and like seeing others opinions on these things.


@Drayana_S_Black  Thank you for following and commenting!! We are so sorry that we didn't see this post until now, but we have been very busy working on a story... we hope to talk about the unfairness that certain people face - such as the LGBTQ+ community. As Queen is in the '+' section - I am ace - and King is 'B' section, we hope to talk about the struggles that we face in school and at home. (As well as our fav ships.) We are so happy that someone took time out of their day to read our bio and comment about it! Is there anything else we could answer?? If you would like to talk in private, we would love to pm with you!! 
            - King and Queen