
So, do you guys ever feel like you have one book that will define your success here? BFK has been my most successful book, but I am so afraid I hit my peek of writing and greatness that comes with it. BFK was obviously a thing I wrote in my juvenile years, but I'll be eighteen next year. Surely there's another great hit?


So, do you guys ever feel like you have one book that will define your success here? BFK has been my most successful book, but I am so afraid I hit my peek of writing and greatness that comes with it. BFK was obviously a thing I wrote in my juvenile years, but I'll be eighteen next year. Surely there's another great hit?


I have achieved 100! I don’t see how that’s even humanly possible! Thank you all to the peeps who’s read my books (which is A LOT) And endured the crappy grammar that came with it! I appreciate each and everyone of you beautiful humans! 


BFK?! Is one of my single most popular books I’ve written, so, in light of this fabulous book in which I’ve done zero editing. I have decided to rewrite it in a more revised way! Same girls, but more grammatically correct! I feel like it’s all just sloppy and thrown together and I experienced such writers block while writing it, so, what better way to honor the book than revising it?? 


After a year of taking a break from writing I have returned again writing in #SingleForever and JOB ( Just One Breath) these are my current works -- I will update as frequently as possible and yes, I have changed a few things in each book because I felt this was beyond appropriate given I changed and so should my content. So, go check it out! Just updated a chapter of JOB! 


Hey Guys!! I'm back into the writing game and I'm currently writing a book called Just One Breath! (JOB ) Anyway, I'd really love if you would read it. Vote, comment, and recommend this book because I'm really touching on important life struggles and hopefully it's pretty relatable! ❤️ I usually update daily just depending on the creative flow. Thanks!!


Hey guys! I just got finished with #BestFriendsKidnapped?! I am offering an opportunity to have a sequel that immediately follows up from the end! Right now I'm a little over 1k, if at the end of December we can get 3k or more reads there will be a sequel! So, you know what that means.... SHARE, SHARE, SHARE! 
          - Eva Havoc, sass_girlforever, Bella Jay, Amber Wind, TrisKatfan, Cass ❤