
Also say hello to the actual Sammy who irl is my baby rat! He is now my background. He’s very sweet and the poor thing has heard my read all my stories to him.


Sge reference 
          I love how book 4 Sophie is all “I’m an independent woman” then a “I’m not totally dependent on men’s approval” then “I could date Hort buuuuut see that 284573 year old dude who’s trying to murder my best friend and her husband-“


ATTENTION RAT CLAN! I HAVE RECOVERED FROM WRITERS BLOCK! I AM FEELING MORE CREATIVE THAN EVER >:D if I have (at any point) given up on a book/series I am now open to continue writing! all you have to do is comment the name of the book.
          other news: I`m not publishing this on wattpad but I am writing a new story titled Blood lipstick its a murder mystery and devils undercover is back on track with the new chapter up in a few days! if I owe you a shoutout pls private message me! byeeeee


@GeorginaVail best cure is read other books 


@sammythebabyrat im currently having writers block so i just put up a you choose what happens next thing so now im just chillin :3


@GeorginaVail don’t get my started 


What are you’re guy’s thoughts on devils undercover? I was thinking about posting every week or so but what do you think?


I did not realise you guys liked it! I’ll continue writing now