
I’m gonna put the Maxie fic on hold cause Lando’s win inspired me 


Just landed in Melbourne, are any of you guys going to the Aussie GP?!!


@sainz_leclerc16 oh I'm so jealous  I live in south Australia and I can't go cause I couldn't get tickets 


i'm thinking about doing the lando fic and the max fic at the same time because they'd be following the same timeline and would have a lot of crossovers, hahahaha might be either a really good idea or a really bad one hahahha but yet again...imagine the drama happening simultaneously hahah


I’m so torn on what to do for my Carlos fic at the moment. Like there are two ways I could go about it and both are good but I just don’t know which is better, ahnshenssnwhdjebs aAHHHHH