
oh yeah so i made a new account a couple months back- ok no about a year back and i'm writing some cool og stuff there so sit down and follow me @lannixstar thanks. love yall


so i just realized that I might've changed the name of my jjp fanfic without telling you guys a while back. sorry. i think the original tittle was "mirage" and some time along the way i was like "i wanna be poetic" and bam.. a dream of love. totally wasn't inspired by geroge rr martin's upcoming book a dream of spring :'D


so summer break started for me yesss!!! i'm looking at 4 months of freedom here. hohoo. and yes im taking an extra month off because I can?? :))))


i have hoes and idiots as friends i need a life


Whatever @Jenlisa4eva when there's a will there's a way


this message may be offensive
Hi yeah i'm back powerful as ever- ok no wtf am i saying lol. point is i'm back and i'll be editing the crap out of things and hopefully start finishing the jjp fanfic soon yayyy finally (because if I don't there's this crazy monster at my school who reads my shit and threatened to kill me if i don't update.... jk- but really tho ) anyways, hope ya'll are well and all and thanks for reading my stories guys. peace.


I’ll be looking forward to your updates ♥️


I will be undergoing some intense editing for Love Song | A Showki FanFic and honestly : sugakookie so while I'm at that, I would like to halt my already slow updates on 蜃景 ↳ jjproject as I will be fixing and editing the current chapters. I'll try to work on  蜃景 ↳ jjproject edits first so that I can get back to writing the rest of the story quickly.


Kim Jonghyun...
          I love you. I hope you know that.
          I hope youre in a better place. You fought well. Your a true king. Always will be. I respected you as a fan and someone who i just truly looked up to you.
          Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun
          You will forever be in our hearts
          ps. i think this hit me pretty bad. ive been trying to deny it but truth is truth.. I supported jonghyun for as long as i can remember and it hurts to realize that he isnt around anymore. Exam  week may be over but i need a couple more days or a week to grieve over the lost of a powerful and talented angel. Please understand.


hey yeas it's your boy jaey. Testing week is here on my death door ready to take me soul so i'll see yall on the other end lmao. starting from tomorrow dec 4 until dec 11 or 12 i will be taking a hiatus and thus won't be uploading. Because of that I will upload one more chapter of Mirage and Boy in luv later on today. hope ya'll stay healthy and for those who have exams as well.. fam lez cry together T^T anyways! stay beautiful and stay lit! Jaeyout~