
I’ve updated ‘Him Again’ twice in two days!!! I forgot how much I loved writing. I have so many new ideas for books but I’m stopping Myself cuz I have 3 unfinished books lol


I AM BACK AND ACTIVE!!!! ( previously  as AsMadasAHatter_Iam)
          hellloooooo  fellow wattpaders, I apologize for not being active in like 2 years I honestly forgot and got way to busy but I have rediscovered My passion for writing and I have decided to continue my books! They will stay unchanged as far as plot and storyline!!
          I am focusing on finishing the storys I will worry about editing when I finish the storys as my grammar and editing has definitely changed in 2 years time 


Only 20 days till the official date  the "King of Pop" Michael Jackson died 7 years ago <3 He is one of my many inspirations! He was so kind hearted, caring and just overall a great human being + Artist + Dancer + Father + Husband :) You are missed Applehead ;)


I am sorry if I have been slow on answering messages or delivering, accepting, assigning in group threads.
          I have been dealing with personal issues, so I have not been up to making graphics lately. But I should be getting back on track soon hopefully


1. Your Nickname:  Bri(from online friends) , Beenie(family/friends) Been, Beenaroo, Brina, Sabby,  'S', Bina, Weirdo, B*tch, 
          2. Your Eye Color: Hazel. they change from green to brown
          3. Your Hair Color: dark blonde or Brown. some people say its light brown some people say its dirty/dark blonde
          4. One Fact About You: one time There was a wolf spider in my bathroom sink so I ran up stairs and screamed at my dad to kill it and he told me to do it myself and stop being a whimp so I stood like 4 feet away and chucked my steel toe/leather boot at the spider lol when i was 13
          5. Favorite Color: black and blue
          6. Favorite Place: my Bed, My homeland lol(canada), Martial arts studio. My brother and his wifes barn because my horse lives there lol
          7. Favorite Celebrity:  Actor? Johnny Depp/Melissa mccarthy/Rebel Wilson/ Robin Williams || Singers? HA WAY TO MANY
          8. Favorite Animal: Horses and monkeys
          9. Favorite Song:  I hate this question -.- I have too many favs
          10: Favorite Book: The Outsiders, Twilight and Heartland
          tagging:  @Angashlynn @Liz_Styles @Unspokenwords98 @Ariana15x @TxmmoGirl @TURTLES2001 @Directioner-stagram @Broken1pieces @Mondayistheworstday @DeJa_143 @ThePhoenixHasRisen


          Tagged by my Basic Partner in Crime @angashlynn  !
          01. When is your birthday?: January 17th :P turning 14 soon!!!
          02. What's your favorite cake?: I love Many different types of cake lol but my fav is ice-cream cake
          03. Who do you usually celebrate your birthday with?: My fam jam and my best friend 
          04. Your BEST GIFT so far?: One direction Album, and a bunch of posters from my best friend! 
          05. What was the best birthday you've had so far?: This past year and last year. but coming up in the new year i might go snowboarding/skiing for my first time 
          06. Cake or presents?: both. but if I had to choose one only for my birthday, presents. i'll get cake either way the next day.
          07. Do you share your birthday with someone else?: My mums good friend brenda
          08. Do you celebrate your birthday with family/friends or everyone or by yourself?: family and friends i guess; i dont really choose
          09. What's your opinion on birthday parties?: Its simple, if you have one you have one, if you dont you dont lol. For myself I dont really like full blown parties anymore I just hang out with like 2 of my friends and go to a movie or something. like on my birthday in the new year me and my best friend are going to see the new horror movie called "The Forest"
          10. What would be your perfect present?: I don't have a perfect present; I'm not very picky when it comes to presents
          11. Funny birthday moment?: I had my two really good friends over and me and my friend werent tired at all and were like hyped up on sugar and my other friend was trying to sleep and she threatened to rip our tongues out if we dont shut up. lol
          TAGGING:  @ThePhoenixHasRisen @Rynnabelle @lizstyles_ @Rancorr @mondayistheworstday @turtles2001 @Stumphalicious @Larrys_lady @Unspokenwords98  @Ariana15x


Elegant, almond shape seeds powdered the half chocolate covered strawberries. A candy red strawberry stood out from the other crimson delicacies. It was placed deliberately at the top of the stack of sweet fruits. It looked so gracefully inviting luring taste buds and teeth to sink into it's soft flesh and bite into its juicy interior. Looking at it would make any creature with a stomach feel as if they haven't eaten in weeks, living off of sewer water. But, instincts to munch on the seemingly harmless treat aside, somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew it was as poisonous as rattlesnake bite and the flower bud of the lethal nightshade. Pretty things can be so alluringly deadly. To think, a simple strawberry could take down the greatest, most legendary warriors...Not today strawberry.