
New Post in God-Diva poetry :) enjoy! 


          I am reworking on all my works since I finally graduated and finished college! :) 
          I also just reposted one of my many poetry books: From the Sidelines. It’s mostly family related. Feel free to take a look and enjoy ❤️ 
          I appreciate all the love and support :) 


Hey guys, I had a hectic year with a lot of things going on. I decided to do a few things and give it a fresh start including a couple of my books. I took one of my works down for now bc I’m putting it to the side until I can get my ideas in order. 
          As I’m sure you noticed, I started to rework The Flames in Mind again. The chapters are the same as before just a bit more simplified and not too much. 
          Since my semester ends in a few days - along with the last of my exams - I’m going to start focusing on my books more I’ve over summer. Who knows, maybe I’ll finish it by the end of the season . 
          Either way, hope you had a good semester and enjoy. ❤️


More over the summer*


Hello! Extremely sorry about my inactivity and my lack of updates on my books. I’ve lost a lot of motivation in due to COVID which made me get writers block for a good while. Still have it, lol. I can’t say when the next time I will post a chapter. It could be next month or the following after. This semester, things are going to be a lot different for me and until I can find a leeway in managing my time is when I can gain the ability to work on my books again. For now, I just do small snippets here and there if I get an idea but nothing much. The same goes for my poems. I believe once the semester starts again and my schedule gets busy, I will have ideas again once flourishing in my brain. But for now, it is what it whats to develop into and it will go slowly. 
          I hope you all had a good summer and stayed safe. Best luck on the new semester/school year!
          Lots of love ~ Sabbi <3