
Okay so this is imporatant so if you see this, please read it!
          	If you haven't noticed, both of my stories are not on my page anymore.
          	So what happened is I have temporaily unpublished them to be rewritten. 
          	I went back and read over some things and realized I left a lot of holes in Audacious Souls so I'm going to be completely re-writting it. 
          	It will follow the main plot still, but hopefully there will be a lot of changes.
          	But until then, both of my stories are  unpublished and Alate is on hold. 
          	Sorry for any inconvenience but I hope you respect my choice as I rewrite to make it more enjoyable for you!


@s_w_a_22 thank you for being so understanding! I truly feel like I needed a fresh start for this story and it's been eating at me for days now, so I'm finally doing it! And thanks for the luck I'll need it


@s_w_a_22 I totally understand. I had this happen to me and I ended up starting completely fresh, things happen for a reason my friend lol good luck!


Okay so this is imporatant so if you see this, please read it!
          If you haven't noticed, both of my stories are not on my page anymore.
          So what happened is I have temporaily unpublished them to be rewritten. 
          I went back and read over some things and realized I left a lot of holes in Audacious Souls so I'm going to be completely re-writting it. 
          It will follow the main plot still, but hopefully there will be a lot of changes.
          But until then, both of my stories are  unpublished and Alate is on hold. 
          Sorry for any inconvenience but I hope you respect my choice as I rewrite to make it more enjoyable for you!


@s_w_a_22 thank you for being so understanding! I truly feel like I needed a fresh start for this story and it's been eating at me for days now, so I'm finally doing it! And thanks for the luck I'll need it


@s_w_a_22 I totally understand. I had this happen to me and I ended up starting completely fresh, things happen for a reason my friend lol good luck!


Hey everyone!
          As you know, I recently completed my story 'Audacious Souls'
          I had mentioned a second book, and y'all seemed to like the idea of it, so that's what I'm doing!
          I don't want to give any spoilers, so all I'm gonna say is that a second story for Poe and Morem is in the works. I have some of the plot already planned, but none of the chapters are written yet. But once I get some written up, I'll start posting! I'm on quarantine now, so I have time to start writing, make sure you keep and eye out for the second book, it'll be coming soon!!!
          If you guys have anything you want to see happen in this book, let me know and I will do my best to incorporate it into my story! Comment below or DM me about your ideas!
          Thank you again for your support, and I can't wait to share this book with you!