
Exciting news! My book has reached 500 reads. It may seem small, but I'm truly grateful for this milestone. Here's to continued growth! Thank you, God.


Hello there! 
          I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to share some exciting news with you. I'm in the process of starting a new book club, and I'm reaching out to invite you to be part of the management team! 
          Your insights and support would be incredibly valuable as we work to bring this book club to life. Our vision for this club is to create a vibrant community where writers can promote their books, gain valuable connections, and improve their writing skills. For readers, it's an opportunity to discover new reads, connect with like-minded individuals, and even find new reading buddies. 
          If you're interested in joining forces and making this venture a success, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. Your participation would mean a lot, and I truly believe that together, we can create something special. ✨
          Looking forward to hearing from you soon! 
          Best regards, [Ruby]


Valentines Writing Contest! ❤️
          Greetings, everyone! Our Valentines Writing Contest is still ongoing! Join now to win amazing prizes and gain more engagement and exposure as a writer! You may check the whole details in the link below! 

          Good luck, book worms! Remember that to be loved is to love! Have a great day, everyone! ❤️