
Hey loveys, I just posted a new chapter of Enchanted and I'll try to get in another one by the end of this long weekend. 
          	Relax and take some time for yourselves, babes


Enjoy chapter 3 of Inconvenient Attachments where we get a little more thought about Vera and her fathers relationship. You get to learn about how Vera's daddy issues influences her character in the book. 
          Have an amazing weekend my loves


Oh my days
          It has been too long, babes.
          But oh boy do I have a surprise for all you bitches out there. I'm starting a new book!
          Inconvenient Attachments by moi is a mafia arranged marriage with two badass enemies to lovers as our leads with forced proximity. The perfect combination. 
          I'm so excited to be starting this new journey and I really hope you enjoy it.
          First chapter is out so go read it now my beautiful people!