
Small snippet from something I’m writing to rid myself of writers block
          	    Cigarette smoke clung to the melancholy air of summer nights. Familiarity washed over Freddie's mind though a wave of nostalgia, seeping in and dissolving the thoughts which rattled his brain beforehand. A gentle breeze brought flyaways to feather against his face and ruffle through his hair. Leaves from massive trees to which he didn't know the names of or rather cared to learn, clashed and fluttered up against each other creating a static that blew away the silence. 


Small snippet from something I’m writing to rid myself of writers block
              Cigarette smoke clung to the melancholy air of summer nights. Familiarity washed over Freddie's mind though a wave of nostalgia, seeping in and dissolving the thoughts which rattled his brain beforehand. A gentle breeze brought flyaways to feather against his face and ruffle through his hair. Leaves from massive trees to which he didn't know the names of or rather cared to learn, clashed and fluttered up against each other creating a static that blew away the silence. 


I’m looking for some opinions on a new fan fiction idea. I’ve been thinking back to how in the summer months my dad and I would sit outside and look at the stars while he smoked a cigar and we listened to the Beatles or Motown. I’ve been thinking of doing a fan fic that includes some drunk ramblings and deacury confessions or something like that. I don’t know exactly, just a small thing that popped into my head. I would love to hear your thoughts!


A small excerpt from my new work
              "Darling, do you think we'll ever leave this place?" Freddie had often asked the younger boy during their time in this suffocatingly empty unknown. But now the muse sat here asking this question, his raven hair spilling across the cool marble of the fountain, hovering just above the rippling waters. He lay on his back, the cool stone pricking at the back of his neck, his legs resting on the ledge as he looked up the the haunting figure depicted in the fountain's design above him. The sky was filled with soft rosy and coral hues as the sun came to approaching its final resting place until it came again on the opposite horizon the next day. 


The next chapter of The Outsiders is coming along slowly, but here is a small excerpt for now <3
          ‘Leaves crunched under John's shoes as they ascended up the path that was most likely made by people continuously walking in the same spot for years, creating a slight bare spot in the grass and foliage.  Silence lingered between the two, and there was nothing but the sound of their shoes thumping against the dry earth with the occasional interruption from the snap of a twig or the satisfying crunch of leaves. In fact John trailed behind the raven-haired boy slightly. To keep his mind off of things, he watched Freddie, for it was the only thing he could truly focus on at the moment. He noticed the slight mannerisms in how he walked, his posture nothing short of perfect, and chin lifted at a perfect ten degree angle. Confidence, that's what it was. Perhaps it was just an illusion of confidence, but it certainly helped the younger boy to calm down.’


@rqsegarden Beautiful!!!!!!! Can't wait, love! <3 <3